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Questions to ask: * Does the continent actively seek to end you? If you answered yes to any of the above, avoid at all costs.


stop joking about the drop bears, theyre a real threat here and they kill hundreds of people a year


There are too many things in Australia that would want to eat Marten


I almost yelled “we don’t have those in Australia” but Claire did it for me.


Pintaize could have an army of wombats.


The only genuinely dangerous wildlife in Australia are the southern cross wearing/tattoed bogans, our equivalent of the confederate flag.

Michael Boettger

But Claire, don't forget the myriad other wildlife that will try to end you. And i wouldn't be surprised if they have a venomous book spider or something.

Stuart Telfer

Thank you Claire. Also goannas have been known to wander in to restaurants, so I don't know that Claire should count on our libraries being entirely reptile free


Let crocodiles get educated!


I warn you, Drop Bears are a serious consideration. Then there are the various forms of Danger Noodles...


Don't google search Echidna penis, whatever you do.


As an Australian, I can confirm that I've never seen a crocodile in a library, except in a picture book. No venomous spiders or snakes either.


Come in, the water's fine. It's the things IN the water that are the problem...


As a New Zealander, I can confirm that anyone who goes to Australia DIES INSTANTLY. (Usually it's the venomous politicians, I believe...)

Dean Reilly

As another Australian, if I heard that a crocodile had wandered into a library in Darwin or northern Queensland, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.


Come to Canberra, Claire! We may have the occasional highly venomous snake in our office buildings, but they're usually very quiet and shy.


She's soooo cute zomg

Peter McDevitt

oof. imagine the Australian library spiders.


If it's a drop bear, doesn't that mean it's sick? Oh, OK, not a sick koala but a fictional carnivorous koala.


I believe that crocodiles are only found near 0.2% of Australian libraries. Actually my head just exploded with scenarios for "Questionable Content" visits Australia.

Samantha Yeaman

On behalf of Australia, I would LOVE to have them. They can stay at my house and pet my dog.


The Aussie National Museum web site tells you everything you need to know about drop bears- https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/drop-bear/


If a crocodile decides to invade a library, who's going to tell them "No!"


There are still snakes and spiders and other critters that can get in as well.


Marten, online job postings don't care what time it is.

Simon Green

It's always Christmas somewhere in the world. That's the magic of timezones!

Hugh Eckert

What about bunyips?


Magpies during swooping season are much scarier than crocs!


I live in Australia, and have a "no crocodiles" sign, not as effective as you may think. The "no alligators" sign seems to work fine though

Chris Heg

Everything poisonous lives in Australia but it's possible to avoid most of them.


Seriously, the other night I was putting the bin out and I surprised a roo on the nature strip. I love living out here. Kookas in the mornings, cockys in the evenings and a kangarroos crossing sign across the road from me. I haven't seen a snake but plenty of lizards and spiders. I keep my cat indoors and the council is very harsh on the owners of free range pets. Also magpies will be your friends with a worm or two.


But - stay with me here - what if it fell off a truck?


Don't forget about the garbage chickens.


When a 15-20 ft cranky crocodile wants into the library, are YOU going to try and stop it from coming in, Claire?


Cassowaries know that they are dinosaurs, and will eff you up, man.


The ranking order of most toxic creatures goes: 1. Drop bears (of course) 2. The Prime Minister 3. Jellyfish 4. Snakes 5. More snakes 6. Spiders (except peacock spiders, daddy long legs and huntsmen) 7. Other politicians 8. Salties 9. More snakes 10. More spiders 11. Freshwater crocodiles 12. Koalas with chlamydia 13. Stingrays 14. Everything else (except peacock spiders)


*eye twitch* Please don't bring up cassowaries. I had a run in with one while fucking around in the Daintree back in the late 80s. Having reef sharks dorsal up and circling us while on surfboards. Having a gun drawn on me. Yeah, looking into the soulless eye of a daggerfoot murderbird tops the list of bowel destroying fear moments in my life.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

While the rules do prohibit crocodiles from local libraries, crocodiles aren't known for listening to rules. They mostly listen to screaming.


Thyrlactos Plummetus ... the scientific name is awesome as well


Claire, honey, that's fine for you, but Marten won't be in the library, now will he?


Just stay South of the Mary River on the East Coast and you'll mostly be fine.


I did wonder, when job hunting, whether it would have been frowned on by anyone for me to apply after midnight. I never risked it.


Personaly I'm mostly worried about those insane pyromaniac birds

Julienne Ignace

..... May I ask... Why????? (Not why I shouldn't search it, but why you took the sacrifice upon yourself)


I can't believe no one so far is concerned about the potential for Emu shenanigans!

Kevin Hicks

Crocodiles don't CARE what's "allowed." IJS...


Ok but try telling a Goanna where to go and what to do (unless you're a delightfully unaware waitress that has no problems dragging one out by the tail)

Nicholas A Wagner

First you don't let crocodiles into libraries, then their literary rated drop, and the next thing you know they are rumbling in the streets with the Jets and the Sharks


I have legitimately worked in jobs where goanna attack was a real conserne and we had procedures to deal with Tony the goanna