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I am her father



Bailey Tighe

Oh my god those insults are beautiful

Marlo Delfin Gonzales

Munroe? Are we going to run into a character with a bic circle for a head?


I see plans within plans, I see feints within feints...I see two great houses feuding, House Yayko and House Beepsilisk. I see you behind them.

Lord Crusade

Goooood. Very Good

Grace Kieser

Don't listen to Beeps! There's power in the dark side!


I can't tell if the eyes are a stylistic choice or if rokos new body has a feature that makes her eyes glow red when she thinks evil thoughts but either way I love it

Michael Boettger

Happy to get back to this story. Would be so pleased for Roko to make a breakthrough and positively impact May's life. Also, Darth Basilisk?

Dylan T

"Sudokufucking" I want to know more.

Matt Grayson

Remember. Yay is listening....


Yes! YES! Let the hate flow through you, young Basilisk!


I think Roko has been hanging around Yay too much

Matt Grayson

Bubbles made the whole room around her glow red when discussing Evie (Faye’s sister’s girlfriend).




Wait...have we ever established how the Spookybot collective came to be? Have they always been what they are or can they add to their unified consciousness? If the latter is true then Basilik might be the Vader to Yay's Palpatine....0_0

Sean Kinlin

No, Roko! Stay good!

Joseph Bonnar

Am I the ONLY one here who sees Dark Roko as being hotter than hell?


Eh, wouldn’t be that satisfying. The Body Assignment guy wouldn’t care that the system was changed to and that his previous Process was in the wrong. He’d be just “yeah, I followed the previous rules to the letter, now they’ve changed and I’m following the new rules to the letter. You were the one who wanted me to change the rules without going through the correct channels. I’m not the bad guy here”. Lawful neutral characters...

Joseph Bonnar

By the way, this song is a cheap trick, but it SO FITS Roko right now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIKSmFbmOuM


only way he'd care is if it made his job disappear. then he'd have the union suing the government.

Sleepy John

"Angry gets sh*t done." - Mr. Nancy.


Yeah... I burst out laughing so hard at Roko in panel four, my husband looked very wide-eyed for a minute.

Robert Wrigley

Oooo, is glowy eyes one of the body features she learned to use by reading her manual?


“... dampass meatdick sudokufucking ...”. WHAT’S THE NEXT WORD????!?


C’mon, there’s gotta be butts!


I seriously need to see Mr Body-Assignment Asshole getting his oops-did-I-trap-you-in-a-dumpster moment.




i could be wrong but isnt Arthur either Melon's weird roommate or Bubble's houseplant? should that read Nelson instead?

Grace Kieser

Jeph keeps forgetting his name and reverts to Arthur until someone mentions it.

Fart Captor

I think at this point Jeph has gotten Nelson's name wrong more times than he's gotten it right, lol


Roku's really starting to like the chromatophore controls in her body, isn't she?


Activism really be like that though


She... might give in to the dark ide


Munroe industries? Nice

David Howe

And now she has read her manual, she knows how to get her eyes to glow red,....

David Howe

Ok, lets see... Basilisk - check Glowing eyes - check Asshat body-assignment humans turned to stone.... check pending.


For some reason, XKCD didn't occur to me.


You're all their fathers, Jeph! Just imagine a household of Roko, Beeps, Millie. Lemon, Bubbles, Momo, May....


It occurs to me we have a abundance of cute female human like AI, the few males we see apart from Winslow are in More traditional robot bodies.... Maybe we should even it out.... Nah.


Am I the onlly one who's mainly into this story because I want to see May's new body?


> Munroe Robotics i see what u did there :-D

Stephen Wells

You say "Dark side", Batman says "I AM the night"...

Chris Gallaty

I think the best thing about this comic is pondering if she really did (subconsciously??) change her eye color.


Yes, Roko! Give in to the dark side! Any epithet that has the word "sudokufucking" in it has a societal imperative to be fully articulated.

Nicholas A Wagner

Well, if I learned anything from "Short Circuit" Robot's eyes change color when they turn on their weapon systems.


Sudoku wha????


Sudoku is NP-complete, so AIs and computers in general have to think through them square by square the same way humans do. A computational timesimk is a good thing for an AI to swear by.