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Michael Boettger

And here comes the question from Faye to Yay?

Matt Grayson

Speak of the devil!


yay youre basically omnipotent, why would you need to hide behind her

Michael Boettger

And what were those two doing? Hmmmm?


And now we see what Faye will do with her life. Hunt down and exterminate every running instance of Yay, because Yay was responsible for her father's death.


Basilisk was minding her own business and Yay is stalking Basilisk?

Matt Grayson

I thought Yay NEVER lied. She’s growing up!

Paul Britt

First one what???


Saved. Maybe. (...but maybe she didn't need saving. She seemed glum in panel one, rather than relapse-imminent distraught. Still. Surely Yay can answer some questions, if Basilisk stares at them hard enough...)


Yay tried to help Bubbles recover her memories only to find they weren’t so much locked away as deleted. And Faye might have remembered that.

Jon Guyer

Surely there’s a large moth *somewhere* that needs avoiding


I'm sure Yay would have some answers. They would have access to all those secret reports of Bubbles' old team, for starters. But if Bubbles' previous relationships weren't documented (which would be very likely if it was one of Bubs' comrades) then I doubt Yay can help.

Sleepy John

Yay is the very embodiment of THEM-dom.


Dammit Faye. This needs to not be a Faye-relapses-and/or-wrecks-everything arc, we’re all too invested.


I just KNEW Yay was going to get involved in this, somehow. They are the most likely ones to be able to recover Bubbles' memory.

William Cole

This is an encouragingly screwball twist in what was a potentially bleak storyline.


Roko Yay! Yay Roko? I’m so confused ...

Mark Thomas

it's not yet too late for Yay to sidestep any questions and be completely uninvolved with how this plays out?


I can't help but think of the Them in Good Omens... Omnipotence and all...

Joseph Bonnar

And the plot thickens...

Joseph Bonnar

So... This isn't my favorite ship, by ANY means. But the name is SO, SO perfect. RoKay?


Is that the first time we've seen Yay's neck joint?

Douglas E. Smith

Yay! (literally and figuratively) An omniscient AI is just what you need to find some hidden history.

Chris Heg

They revealed Bub's memory gap, though they did not create it (as far as we know).


Jeph I’d just like to remind you we’re all very fragile right now and we don’t need more collective trauma


It was a very large moth


Technically, they didn't reveal it either. Bubbles chose to have a memory gap, rather than dealing with the memories. Yay merely discovered that it was permanent (and removed the kill software in the process). Bubbles didn't know at the time that not having the memories at all just might be worse than the memories themselves.


No. But there is some lack of consistency. It was visible throughout the entire set of strips where they made the massive donation to charity, but then was not visible at all throughout the entire set of strips where they put Roko to sleep. Even in today's strip alone, it's visible in the third panel, but not in the last one.


Damn... all you shippers. I read "RoKay" in Lil Jon's voice. -_-


2500 bells, so a Madagascan sunset moth... in Boston??? ;D

Sleepy John

The yoga pants buddies are on the town.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Also in the third panel Yay looks like Peridot from Steven Universe, and now I can't shake off this association.


Wait. That's a Firday strip, right? That a cliffhanger, yes? ARGH.

Clifton Royston

I think the fact that she knows it's a stupid reaction and is already aware she's being irrational about it makes that vastly less likely. She's at the "immediately start climbing out of the pit" stage of recovery, if not the "walk around the huge pit" stage.

Chris Heg

The memories had already been deleted by Corpse Witch. Bubbles didn't know they were gone forever.

David Pipes

Yeah, look at what his buddy Willis is doing these days... This *is* light comedic drama compared to that... :-)


Ugh now I wish you hadn't pointed it out


I just looked up the Madagascan sunset moth-- it should be NBC's new logo


I would start here: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3360 .


It could have been worse. The *previous* strip could have been the cliffhanger.


One of my favourite ever QC lines- "Alice and Bob have become more powerful than we can possibly imagine." https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3379

Jim Feldman

Is it just me or does Basilisk have two expressions; Annoyed/angry and Surprise/bemused

Igor Mosyagin

It makes us very horny. We are confused that The Cereal Week is not published yet. It makes us a tiny bit angry. that's how