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rear admiral woofington




yay keeps switching between square and round speech bubbles, huh

Andrea Andrew

So, Yay now has square speech bubbles?


i kinda wish you had those old comic book editor's notes, like REFER TO ISSUE #WHATEVER, because I cannot recall the beef

Joel Bateman

Captain Canineaford, Commandant Barkley von Waggytail

Michael Boettger

1. Secret bakery does doggie treats? Who knew? ( Does Claire's mom know?) 2. This is going to be a interesting conversation, isn't it? 3. I'm thinking speech bubbles have to to do with familiarity? They know Roko better than Faye.

Michael Boettger

Yay and Faye haven't seen each other since the incident at CoD. And Yay did little to allay Faye's fears and generally acted like a jerk.


So once those treats go through the dog, do they result in steaming piles of nefariousness?


sieg woof our glorious shaggy leader!


Now we have to meet the organic dog treat shop owners!


regarding 3, their first appearance used round speech bubbles in front of faye


Faye is carrying more armor than Bubbles ever did. She's shedding it slowly, but still has massive defensive reactions.

Chris Heg

Faye is upset right now because she is unsure about Bubble's past and Yay is all bound up in the loss of her memories.

Joseph Bonnar

Ok. That comment from Roko at the very end must become my new internet response when caught up in the flame wars...

Joseph Bonnar

Did a web search on the Komondor. Worth every moment. Beautiful animal.


Huzzah, I say! Huzzah for Roko!


I wonder how Crushbot is getting along these days. Probably having cereal with Steve. Does Penelope still rhyme with envelope?


Well, I may have to start pronouncing envelope as rhyming with Penelope from now on...

Bruce Steinberg

My guess is that it's one of those mistakes Jeph has us to help catch before he publishes for the general public. Yay had a round speech bubble yesterday.


Sniff-Your-Rear Admiral Woofington?


It's more fun to go the other way and pronounce antelope, envelope, and even elope, the same way one does Penelope!


Calliope too? That would be a change of tune...


One can hope, panel 1 Faye, one can hope


It looks like Yay can modulate their voice at will. Also, look at how distinct Roko's top-of-the-line model is from Yay's! Truly another level.

Matt Grayson

Yay has sternocleidomastoids! (that line from the jaw to the collarbone)

Hugh Eckert

Commodore (komondor) Woofington went back to being Captain Woofington after their squadron was dispersed, but then was promoted to Rear Admiral of the Blue, so they'll be fine.