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more like ass-ter sergeant amirite




*hugs faye*


Oh dear

Michael Boettger

Yesterday's exchange seemed to have hit Faye particularly hard. I'm seriously concerned.


oh no. im worried. poor faye. life is hard when you are sober and all your friends are not. i cant even eat with my family without getting offered drinks. its rough.

Michael Boettger

Do NOT detour at the liquor store missy!!


...why do I suddenly feel like Faye's sneaking off to drink or something.

David Durant

I'm too dumb to know why Faye is more upset by the situation than Bubbles. I just hope Martin catches up to her before she finds a liquor store.

Tara Cook

Big sad.


If Faye falls off the wagon I will fight you. I don't have all the details worked out yet, but it involves Corgis in chainmail

drone r0m-3

Is... is she gonna relapse? I might need to skip a few days if she's gonna relapse.


Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Clinton. You poor dear fuse-lighting nong.


Oh shit.


It seems like the idea that Bubbles could have had previous relationships that they don't know about really got to her.


I hope not. It could also be that she is leaving before it gets to bad for her. Hopefully she doesn't fall for the trap of using weed as a substitute. Using to use can cause a full lapse.


Yeah. That worries me. It really looks like Faye is freaking out because Bubbles *may* have had a prior relationship. That's not a healthy sign. :(


That's not fair! This is NOT Clinton's fault. There's no way he could have known his innocent question was going to cause this issue to surface.


Because it highlights that there's a lot that she doesn't know about her past. She might still be in love with someone and just can't remember them.

Shawn K. Younkin

HOPEFULLY she is going to find an AA meeting... ::fingers crossed::

Dean Reilly


Adam Daw

Faye is way off base here :/

Nicholas Lopez

Oh no please don't do anything stupid Faye :(

Dylan T

Faye still has demons she really hasn't dealt with when it comes to insecurity. This is the first time it's really popped up with bubs.

Douglas E. Smith

I dunno, I don't think Faye's about to do anything self-destructive. The face she has on makes me think she has a plan of some sort. Maybe to attempt to find some of Bubbles' history? I might be an optimist here.


Dammit Faye...


DON'T YOU MESS WITH MY FAYBLES. I mean...I like drama and story as much as anyone, but NO. NO NO NO.


Faye looks kinda shell-shocked. I think (hope) that she's going home to try to get her head together. It's a bit worrying that she doesn't want Bubbles to go home with her though.


Life hits you from unexpected angles, as Faye just discovered.

Bailey Tighe

Hmmmmmm... Something seems off...

Clifton Royston

"Just tired" my ass. But I wonder about Faye's feelings from a different angle. She struggles a lot with insecurity and a low sense of self-worth. She may be suddenly wondering if she has stolen Bubbles away from a forgotten previous relationship, and if that someone would have been better for her, yadda yadda.

Samantha Yeaman

Can we have corgis in chainmail even if she doesn't fall off the wagon? I need them in my life.


Duly Noted

Yonatan Zunger

I would be damned surprised if she hadn't been an E-6 at the very least. She has that air about her.


Ah good old insecurity, how we've not missed you.

Joseph Bonnar

Ahh. The dreaded cliffhanger slowly, slowly rises from the depths...


Okay, this is hitting a lot of anxiety points for me, coming from both Faye and Bubbles. HRNGH.


I think I just realized something this might be about, and I really hope it isn't, especially because perhaps the best character to talk to about this is high off her ass, chill, and celebrating right now


That she's doubting her capacity to be attracted to Bubbles, and possibly Bubbles's capacity to be attracted to her. That questioning its never comfy and never reaches a satisfying answer


Not cool, Faye!!

Matt Grayson

If she asked SpookyBot, excuse me, Yay, I bet she could get the answer to any question about Bubbles' history. She may be sorry she asked. Faye may not know that Roko is pals with SB, though. Of course, she could just pick up any phone and ask her question....

Todd Ellner

Why? AA is great at self-promotion and crud at actual results. It works best for narcissistic middle-aged men insofar as it works better than just saying "I want to stop drinking." I hope Faye finds whatever help she needs without buying the bill of goods that says AA is the only way.


Wayment... "high as balls"? How high do balls get, anyhoo? I'm thinking three and a half feet MAX.