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Champagne Supernova?


Like Is it a bit, though? It seems kinda like a bit.

Michael Boettger

Or is this how the tardis got started?


I wonder if it's an MC Hammer brand...


Now I want a matrix of theramins.


Local hobby shop over ordered theremins again huh?


The question is-did she want a theremin- or are all her friends just nerds ❤

Nicholas Lopez

I'm waiting for a third theremin kit to be introduced


You know Jeph, you should really mark sponsored content. Just because you are in the pocket of Big Thermin...


Theremins are the ukuleles of the 2020s


These are the second and third theremins. Emily got her one too.

Summer Sudbrink

More like theremaximum amiright? :) Also,if you put one inside the other is that thereminception?

Hugh Eckert


Bailey Tighe

You summon Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. And you have to live with that shame.


Evan Shlebber would be proud.... https://www.ebanschletter.com/theremin


Did I miss a thing? I feel like I missed a thing... (What's with all the therimin?)


Heremin, Theremin, Everywhereaminmin.

Ted Van Roekel

If we knew how many people were attending, and how many brought gifts, we could figure out the theramean, the theramedian, and the theramode. I'll show myself out.

Am Queue

I follow a band called The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, and imagining them with theremins is breaking my brain.

Jeremy Jorgensen

Well that was a rabbit hole. Here's a video of 273 Theramins being played together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnlsfeRNw1I

Jeremy Jorgensen

Also, to no ones surprise, there is a Theramin message board. http://www.thereminworld.com/Forums/T/29025/2-theremins-next-to-eachother?Page=0


What a fuckin nerd. Nice


GD it, this made me LOL, and I never felt nerdier. And for me that's saying something.




Shop next door is having a sale on theremin kits, isn’t it?


it's a "Bass Theremin", not just a "big" theremin

Joseph Bonnar

Please... We need Elliot and Brun to show up. With theramins.


Got another theramin.. One hell of a mess I'm in. No way to say no, Many more to go? Overall, it's still a win!

Greg Matyola

You can have my theramin, I haven’t touched it in years. :D


You have no idea how much this is making me smile. IDK, I’m a sucker for theramins.




Now just wait a cotton pickin theraminute!


So… Hannerlore has Theramin A and Clinton has Theramin B. So a multi-Theramin?


Do a search on theremin and matroska. Multiple theremins is a thing.


Two more and they an put them at the points of a pentagram.


Either that, or one of them ordered one kit, and accidentally received a dozen, so they handed them out to everyone outside.


What kinda concerns me is how Emily knew the answer to that question so quickly.

Shawn K. Younkin

I see a high Claire building her Theremin and playing around with it just making noise, but then we see Emily building one and mastering the instrument in less than 5 minutes, and I see Clinton trying to build the last one but frequency messes up his robo-hand causing the robo-hand to start to make "WeeEEEeeooohoOOO" noises on it's own wherein he pleads w/ Faye and Bubbles to fix his hand, but they instead refer to Dora's expertise and try to exorcise the demon that now possess Clinton's hand. Or, they all get really high, fart around w/ the Theremins while eating muffins. It could go either way really.


Clinton I would believe could do a bit like that. Hannelore and Emily are just hooked up to the same cosmic wavelength or something


MC Hanners: can't touch this! (Too late?)


I -truly- like “new” Hanners! I’ll be very happy when she figures out what she’s up to now.

Ye Olde Phart

Include some AI and Thereminions.


If this is building up to Jeph selling QC branded build-your-own-thermin-kits I'm buying. Just putting it out there

Evgeniy Semyonov

Either a sale in the shop next door or a series of targeted ads for all of Claire's friends. Anyway, looks like a Melon/Pintsize collaboration.

Captain Button

Theramin Mind Control plot incoming...

Chris Crowther

I want a DIY theremin kit now...


Must have either been a hell of a sale, or somehow Amazon had that kit as the #1 gift for librarians....


is theraminimum theraminimum?

Tim Keating

Is theremaximum to these jokes? I imagine not.

Tim Keating

I feel like now we should all send theremins to Jeph's house. Like one day they could shoot an episode of Hoarders there.


this is the kind of thing that seems like a fun joke, but gets out of hand really quickly.


You have to bring a gift, it's the bare thereminimum.


"Feeling trolled? Take two theremins for instant relief." (Side effects may include hearing weird sounds, hearing loss, hearing found and dry mouth.)

Stephen Wells

Theraminimum, theramaximum and theraminflection point.


there was a sale

Joseph Bonnar

I'm afraid that there is no thereminimum on theremin puns. :P


This is why dark matter has recently been identified as the element thereminium.


I see Emily building one, and accidentally creating either a small black hole or a temporal portal. Probably the black hole, since Raven already did the time warp thing with Faye's espresso machine.


No update yet?

Michael Boettger

Currently 12:15 EST on Thursday. Hope everything is alright.

Creepy Cat Lady

Hey Jeph, we're starting to worry about you here. Hope everything is ok.


Hey Jeph. Longtime lurker and usually don't comment but I wanted to reach out since no update. I hope everything is ok!

Tim Keating

This is some straight up junkie behavior right here :-D


Are you alright Jeff? You can take a break but just give us a heads up so we don't worry


I see a jab at youtu.be/OnlsfeRNw1I coming up


Took a gander at Jeph’s twitter. Last tweet was half an hour ago. I think updating his patron just slipped his mind again. Which is a bit of a relief.


we've already got COVID-19, murder hornets, and aggressive chickens threatening bank customers. we don't need to summon Cthulhu, too.


why are you talking like that??


Ironically, I then completely forgot to check again until the strip was up on the public Interweb.


Actually, I believe that either "Radio Electronics" or "Popular Electronics" published an article showing how to build one. Would have been in 1960s or early seventies.


I’m going to have to order a few Theremin, just for the dark matter side effects.