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Joseph Bonnar

Small talk with an AI? Alexa, did you keep those launch codes?

Andrea Andrew

Oh, I missed Emily. Good to have her back!


hi yeah id like two weeks of claire, high, playing thermien, cash or card?

Jackie Horn

Oh shit. I've told my roomba a lot of secrets.


Theramin kit ftw!


Dear god, if Emily and Melon met…

Joseph Bonnar

Now I confess I had to do a web search for Theremins. Learning something keeps me, er, less elderly... :P

Michael Boettger

So, Computational linguistics is either avery easy class, or Smif doesn't understand either. At any rate, Emily does seem to have met the course requirements. Or Yay will give her an "A" anyway.


What's geekier than a theramin? A build-it-yourself theramin.

Simon Green

I'm not sure. Did you mean Minuteman III launch codes or Trident II D5 launch codes?


This is me. Oh no

Shawn K. Younkin



Yes, she's so... complicatedly simple. I would totally love to hang with her IRL.


Wherever I go, theremin.


As long as your Roomba doesn't have a jet engine mounted on its back, I think your secrets are safe.


Don't be sore, Claire. They could have asked for a computer program that catalogues all computer linguistic theories - known and unknown - and Emily would have still passed with flying colours. Her level of giftedness with computers is downright... <i>Spooky</i>.

Peter Jensen

They have: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3728 With not so surprising results: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3729


Anyone else think of Sheldon from Big Bang with the theremin? :P


Rob Scallion, Theremin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or4CALipjig


Clara Rockmore and Leon Theremin got caught up in the swirling tides of history. Do a little research. You do *not* want to get caught in the swirling tides of history...


so w/c of them is a Whovian? shirley, one of them is a Whovian, right?

Simon Green

Nine Inch Nails uses it in 'Just Like You Imagined' which is my very favourite piece of music of any genre, ever. I have a DVD of one of their live concerts where the guy is playing one on the stage. Unfortunately the only one available on YouTube (while remarkable in its own right for it guest pianist) does not feature a theremin. :-(


As someone who works in natural language processing (closely related to computational linguistics), I have thought about how weird it'd be in a world like QC with widespread general AI. Fortunately for me, we are nowhere close to reaching that level of AI anytime soon.


"Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"


Of course not. You give up your sense of decency when you have children. Now I not only have the dad jokes, but the dad bod to go with it. Also, no sense of shame, either. It's so liberating.


Emily's probably on first name terms with him.


But did Emily pass the Turing test?


Emily! I've missed her.

Eric Lusby

That might be undecidable. We don't even know if she's going to halt. Biology suggests yes, but it is Emily...


Are you <i>sure</i> biology suggests yes? I mean, what proof do we have that Emily is actually human? I thought a long time ago that she could very well be an extremely advanced AI created by Spookybot (I use that name since it would have been long before they chose Yay as their name). It would explain Emily's uncanny ability to create those highly advanced computer programs that keep making the government nervous.


Just 'cause Emily's got her own way of doing things doesn't mean she's not human!


Omigod the bitter envy!


It's OK, Claire-bear, you know that Emily looks up to you! ... and I can't remember exactly where that strip is, and I should have gone to bed 45 minutes ago, so...


Found it- https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2540