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Ahh somehow last night's patreon post didn't post! I'm sorry!!!




Still counts as tomorrow's strip today

Michael Boettger

A bit of foreshadowing in panel 3?


What Is with The theremins

Joseph Bonnar

But I'm heartbroken. No more theremins? Emily was counting on them so she could (content redacted for national security reasons.)

Andrea Andrew

As bland as Marten can be as a character, I would prefer that he not leave Faye and settle down so soon. Poor Faye. I know she has Bubbles now, but Marten is still clearly important to her, and she clearly doesn’t want to see him and Claire go.


A "mistake" of Theramin, much like a "bullshit" of Tweets.


Wait a minute, Faye could build an espresso-pooping theremin shaped like a dinosaur!

Douglas E. Smith

How did everyone come to associate Claire with Theremins? Did I miss a strip?

Matt Grayson

Collective noun? As in a murder of crows, exaltation of larks? Tautology of logicians?


Nope, this information is as new to us as it is to you.

Dave Van Domelen

A couple of years ago, I got a build your own theremin kit and a build your own electronic bagpipes kit for my brother and his wife. They are both professional musicians. :)


All the main characters but Faye and Pintsize die in the next month or so from increasingly improbable and wacky accidents. Faye realizes that it's her and Pintsize causing it, she jumps into an active steel furnace to destroy them both completely. Jeph starts doing a comic about the adventures of Elliot and Brun as they navigate a post-apocalyptic New England that is one third Lovecraft, one third Steven King, and one third Marx Brothers.


I suspect a rogue AI is to blame for this theremin bussines, not Yay though since they have that one rule about altering minds and all


nono, "theremin" *is* the plural form. like "sheep", or "ninja". the singular form is unnecessary.

Douglas E. Smith

It's not 'altering minds' if you fill the social network sites with theremin ads...or is it?

Emma Humphries

It's that universal paperclip game, only theremins instead of paperclips.


Faye and Bubbles go see Claire Without theramin This must be the last QC

Summer Sudbrink

I still think the plural of theremin is thereminception.


Please tell me there will be a bonus comic where a gallery of Pintsizes are playing theramins, pretty much in the vibe of the Portal2 end credits.

Thomas Halpin

I wish to see the Frankenstein's Theramin that is cobbled together from three or more build your own kits


I'm disappointed that there hasn't been a rising trend of searches for 'theramin' on Google.


Oh Dear God, I am now picturing this as Faye's next art project. I blame you for the fact that I won't be able to sleep tonight.


Jeph, this had better not be the wind-up to "And they all went off into adult life and lived happily ever after, The End".

Sleepy John

at this point, they have enough parts to build the warp coil and a deflector dish.


perhaps we're approaching theremaximum, or at least a localized theremax, to continue a thread from yesterday.


that's the plan for Marten and Claire's eventual wedding processional.

Yahsho Jinn

So do you want a theremin?

Andrea Andrew

I doubt it. There’s still a lot of storylines going on. It feels like QC is far from over.

Mark Thomas

the control scheme for playing the theremin must also be the method for controlling the espresso maker. composing unique songs creates unique espresso, through varying heating times and temperatures and the ratios of ingredients added


Emily combines all the theramins and it gains sentience. Sometime in the future Alice digs it up and recharges it. It evolves into an orbiting reflector device (the talky friendly one) which eventually becomes derelict in the far future. And then Yelling Bird fucks it. Full circle, baby!

Dean Reilly

I still want to know whether Bubbles is wearing Faye's bearmonster t-shirt, or if she has obtained her own. Will they become one of those couples who wear matching outfits?

Chris Heg

Are AIs immortal?


I had been meaning to buy my musician son one, so this pushed me over the edge.


I like to think that Emily has been sneaking into their closet at night, and slowly replacing all of their clothing with copies made with her adaptive fit technology, because she knows it's the only way Faye and Bubs will ever be able to share clothing. Bubbles always notices, but pretends to be asleep so she won't frighten Emily. You'll know which piece just got replaced by Emily, because Bubbles will wear it the next day.


Theremin kits are my new favorite running gag. Cue the Star Trek theme!


Bubble's smug "I-just-delivered-a-joke-face" is the best.

Ben C

I’ve looked online and can’t find a good one. Adafruit has one but it only has the antenna. Where are the high end pieces??


Bubbles first wore the bearmonster shirt after the first time they had sex. I feel like the bearmonster shirt is pretty much hers now.


All good. These things happen


Lmao the plural name for multiple theramins XD


I wish they were called "theremen" so the plural could be "theremina" (thus I sang, and thus anigh/came in hordes Theremina/et complebat omne forum/copia Thereminum/how shall wretches live like us/cincti Thereminibus?Domine, defende nos/contra hos Theremina!)


theramean or therameen


Theramean is a reserved word. As outlined in Theramin mining for fun and profit, making one's theramin sound like Scottish bag pipes relegates it to the class of theramean. A mean thing indeed.

Clifton Royston

I think I just got email spam from the world of QC. Subject line: "Machined AI Parts" (PS. Comment editing now broken?)


Lovely :) I am returning from an inpatient stay. I haven't been very well. But I looked forward to catching up on your comics during my stay. Thank you for everything you do, and for the measures of happiness I have found in this story you have made. Fay's recovery hits hard, even if substances aren't my demon. It's hard to face old habits and fears, and you've portrayed her struggle and bravery beautifully.