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much love for y'all



Bailey Tighe

Hell yeah. During these crazy times, I say we give the biggest air hugs to the service industry. They rock!


I give it until Braun’s food arrives before they get into an engaging conversation about clocks & time.

Douglas E. Smith

Mille seems to have chronic butts disease.


Brun is learning!


So, is this like a date or something? Clinton and Eliot will be devastated.


I'm not in service, but I do make 3D printer filament, which is having a very big role in the doctor protection sector right now. I am super grateful to the parcel delivery workers for making my job possible right now. If not for them, I would be destitute.

Michael Boettger

And the bonding we see! Brun has to remind herself of her social obligations. Which is good to see. I love seeing her become more widely socialized. And as a service industry worker,(retail clerk) thank you.



Shawn K. Younkin

I love how Renee is like Brun's Jiminy Crickett. <3


Brun is doing good work. Both at being social and at bussing.

Sleepy John

Attagirl, Brun. <3

Joseph Bonnar

I am bloody well in love with Brun. And Melon. And Lemon. And Roko. And Brad. And Droid06. Brad? Comic 3961. Droid06? Comic 3576 and following.

Joseph Bonnar

By the way, Jeph? It's not POSSIBLE to make Brun any cuter. Thank you. :)

Fart Captor

This continues to be cute as heck


I wish I had a little Renee in my head reminding me to follow proper social mores.


I'm finding this cute, awesome, and giving me a lot of hope that somebody as unusual as me can find people that like me. But, I'm really starting to feel that in the QC universe, Heterosexual Sex In The Missionary Position is the Act That Shall Not Be Named or even talked about. That it ruins relationships and is inherently unstable.


all we are saying is give empathy a chance


"It's good to ask people about themselves" is way harder than it sounds. Especially since...........nobody else does it. Most of the time I just end up asking a series of questions and getting pat answers until I feel awkward and end it. Not end the conversation, since it's not really a conversation if it's just a series of questions and answers. I just stop asking questions and let silence take over.


I know, right? I mean, if I had to play a game of "The Bachelor" with the whole female cast of the comic, I would lose for not being able to choose!


Renee is great, but also kind of a mixed bag for me? Like: I absolutely get how comforting it is to have someone who Knows you. Who knows you mean no harm, who can remind you non judgmentally, bluntly and succinctly, what to do if you forget or don't understand. Almost no one does that. If you come off as "off" to them their cues are too subtle to notice until way too late and you get ghosted or something. Having an interpreter like Renee...it's like having a home to return to. I also get the feeling though, that Renee holds Brun back to some degree? Like she gets comfortable and falls into the routine of letting Renee handle the hard stuff so she doesn't have to. If she screws something up, Renee will be there to smooth things out. And I don't know how Renee would react if Brun ever actually got laid. I get the feeling Renee, too, has kind of fallen into a pattern of mothering Brun. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm picking up...I love it cause imo, it's one of the most nuanced and unique relationships Jeph has written.

Mitchell Sealy

As an autistic person there's a temptation to stay strictly to the regimented "rules" as they've been laid out. But the rules are largely for an ideal circumstance. In this case you're supposed to ask about them, to express interest in them, and they're supposed to do the same. In this ideal scenario, you are both interested in eachother, and want to have this conversation. It's quite possible however that they're not interested in you, and don't want to have this conversation, in which case you're just barking up the wrong tree. Can't force a conversation in an unwilling participant. And there's also the fact that allistic people just think about this stuff a lot less than we do. They may just be distracted or something, in which case they're probably not gonna read anything into it if you don't ask them about anything either. They're way deep in their worries or whatever, the last thing on their mind is your mild social faux pas. It's all complicated. Allistic people just get it intuitively and it's frustrating trying to keep up.

Shane Wegner

Rando observation- Mille's battery seems really strong! She seems to invest a lot in her body, maybe that's another part of it.

Mitchell Sealy

She was charging over night, so she's on a fresh charge now. Probably is a solid battery though. Can't imagine a party girl like her could maintain her lifestyle if her battery was gonna give out at inopportune moments. Like when she blacked out in Marten's apartment, I don't think she remembered to plug in beforehand, and she still woke up in the morning with enough juice to take care of the situation.


Awww. Look who's thinking about killer glutes. One-track mind there, methinks.

Mitchell Sealy

Maybe Millie will get a chance to sleep on Brun's butt some day, and enjoy the fruits of Brun's labors herself.

Mitchell Sealy

Knew a dishwasher who'd washed dishes all over town. He'd tell you about the various locations and their particular set-ups. There was this one location, generally well liked restaurant, that has their dishwashing machine in the basement. So the dishwasher has to spend all day running up and down the stairs bringing dishes to and from the machine. I've never seen the restaurant the same way since then. I know real estate is expensive and they probably saw that as a way to get by on a smaller plot but it's just inexcusable. Dishwashing is rough enough without bringing stairs into it.


I love that they made a date of it!

Stephen Wells

With Millefeuille, every conversation is ultimately about glutes, and by ultimately, I mean immediately.

Joseph Bonnar

I want to point something out about QC in general. This comic has a real and important lesson. Love matters. Thank you, Jeph.

Paul Britt

I know Melon but who is Arthur?

Joseph Bonnar

Arthur is / may be Melons significant other. In the episode where Melon was introduced, he was the AI who carried her into Union Robotics. This shows a more domestic view of the two: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3643


If you don't pan over / zoom out to see Steve eating breakfast, there will be hell to pay.


STAIRS?!? i hope they paid at least double, that is HORRIBLE.


Sorry - the hair is visible in the first panel :/ its white

Kerin Schiesser

Do Arthur and Melon have a human roommate or a pet? Why would Arthur be cooking? (and apparently burning) food? :D


thought Bublē?? thought Bubly??


Milliamps. Fuel. Random thoughts


I am freaking amazed at and grateful for what 3D printing is doing for the people on the front lines. Thank you for YOUR part.