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I miss restaurants :(




Bacon & eggs, a brunch classic!


As a GM of a restaurant that's shut down, I too miss restaurants. Be safe out there, y'all!

Douglas E. Smith

Omg, is she remembering her lab partner?


millefeuille :(


Ah, that took a sad turn very quickly. ☹️


I've never once in my life wanted to have brunch. living in a young area in a city i would see people lining up to eat brunch on sunday before a place opened. they would wait in the cold and the rain. why in the world would anyone do that? brunch food is easy to make. just invite people over.


I know how you feel Mille. And yeah I miss going out and eating.

Fart Captor

Aww, I was hoping she and Beeps were already pals but I guess not :(


I guess this explains Mille's choice to get butt implants.


Wait. DRNKR is manually launched, but CRYBBY autolaunches? I'm so confused.


Yabut... the choice is between getting up early, getting the place tidied up and ready for guests, cooking and cleaning up afterwards, or sleeping in, getting up late, going out to meet friends and let somebody else do all the work. Mind you, you have a valid point about lining up outside a place in the cold and rain. :)

drone r0m-3

I'm not crying! You're crying! Dental damnit! Shaddup! How dare you attack my feels twice in one day Jeph!

red sands

Very good punchline


As a cook at a restaurant that is shut down, I also miss restaurants. Or at least the money I get for doing said cooking.


Not necessarily. I got a breast reduction last fall, and the exuberant joy I feel in having my body dysphoria relieved is really accurately displayed by Mille’s love of her butt. (I also got a lot of practical physical relief. Breathing is fun!)

Michael Boettger

The more we see revelations about AIs, the more my heart breaks for them. Millie has an empty place inside her. Bubbles, with her PTSD, May with her antisocial tendencies. That, I suppose, is the price they pay for their sentience.

Michael Boettger

Oh, and no notification tonight. Anybody else?

David Austin

I have stopped receiving the daily emails from you...my favourite event of the day!


Oof ouch owie my feels


You'd prescribe anti-depressants for someone bursting into tears? I <i>really</i> hope you aren't actually authorized to prescribe anything.

Joseph Bonnar

The same. I have to start logging in to check every few minutes, which is a PITA.

Marc Pengryffyn

Is this an excuse for Brun to start licking Mille's face?


OUCH! Right in the feels


A lot of restaurants that ordinarily don't are doing takeout. (It's how we celebrated out 10th anniversary.) It's not the same. But they would still be delighted to cook for you as they struggle to stay afloat.


I ship them


I miss the boardgame café :(

Lyman Green

I miss Chuck’s Steakhouse in Auburn, MA. I’m a vegetarian but they make the Beyond Burger and do a good job and also have an excellent salad bar. They are collocated with a Mexican place so my wife orders the vegetarian burrito. I went there in February for my 50th birthday party but it seems a year has passed since then. I too miss restaurants. I went to a local pizza place doing pickup and delivery only yesterday and there were 3 or 4 employees working. Normally that place has 10-15 employees in the kitchen and 4-6 servers. Damn I miss restaurants.


I miss the bartender at my local, tbh. Not that she had any time for me other than as a friendly, good-tippin' patron, but...you know. :)


I didn't get a notification for this post, very strange.


I've been getting spotty emails, too.


Somehow I missed this yesterday... weird. Still... this is a lovely conversation. I'm loving it.

Clifton Royston

I had planned that this year for our 20th anniversary my wife and I would go to a really fancy place for dinner. Come late March and the restaurants are all closed for dining. Oh well. We did get some really good takeout, from an Indian place run by the family of one of my son's friends, so we got to have some celebration and also support a struggling restaurant.


I didn't get the email about this one🤔