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man remember brunch? :(




She following the rules and procedures of sleeping with a stranger.


But neither of them was a nightstand.


oh brun... i wonder how empty millefeuilles battery is


Does Renée sleep on the stranger’s butt though?

Maelwys Myrddin

One of the last things I did with my group of friends was have brunch before the shit hit the fan.

Matt Grayson

Judging by her face in panel 2, that looks like the most fun Millie has ever had.


ok i just ship everyone who is single now. these two are cute together.


This is cute, and there has to be a fetish now for robot butt pillows.

Wild Card

I think it is funnier that Brun got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, then laid back down on her.

Mitchell Sealy

This is funny if it's just a quirky literalization of social norms, but I'm gonna be disappointed if it's evidence she doesn't understand what sex is.


"...use the bathroom..." Whaaaat?


Oh, Brun used the bathroom. I misread it.


Brunch? More like brinner ;)

Fart Captor

I somehow wasn't shipping them already but I totally am now. This is cute af

Michael Boettger

Well, Milly can drink so she should be able to to eat. Acessing; dictionary: eggs Benedict.

Fart Captor

I dunno about that. Even drinking is clearly not a common/cheap chassis feature, and eating is a much more involved process even there's no real digestion involved. She's at least gonna want to actually check her manual before attempting that


I want brunch again please ._.

Joseph Bonnar

Thank you, Jeph. I want a robobutt pillow now.

Buck Caldwell

Huh. I didn't get notifications for this or last night's, but I did for the link to the research poll.


That new butt sure worked out great


Yep, I miss brunch. Used to do Sunday brunch with the family, but I work most Sundays now...and then there's that other thing that shall not be named.

Dan Curtis

I've heard certain youtubers who don't want to get demonitized refer to it as the BackStreet Boys reunion tour.


Same here. This has been happening to me for a few weeks now, where about 1 comic a week won't get pushed to my email. Last time I asked everybody said it wasn't happening for them. Glad to know it's happening to somebody else now too and I'm not just missing something!

Thomas Halpin

That's it, you must ascend beyond the T-Shirts now. We request ro-butt pillow merch. With squishy pads, and a heater. And an E-Reader. And Bluetooth.

Lars Gottlieb

No notification this morning; we found you anyway (o:

AJ Saint

I’d sleep on a nice squishy booty!

Stephen Wells

Millefeuille tonight: wanna sleep on my butt again? Millefeuille and Brun in ten years: oh wait we're a couple.


So, does Drinkr (or possibly just the Pro version) have a Sober Up By Morning feature? We already know that Millie is reluctant to turn it off herself- https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4162 https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4223


There's something magical about "Waking up at the crack of Dawn" so long as Dawn has a great ass.

Chase the Dragon

If hookup apps had a date option to include whether you [] you plan to leave early, [] plan to wake up in the morning or [] will stay for breakfast that would be nice.


The Way. The Way of the Brunch. or The Way of the Butt.


"I have to want to turn it off" speaks to me. I don't intend to black out, but drunk me doesn't want to stop drinking.


“Brunch with Brun” sounds like a good comic title

Some Ed

Renee does things Renee's way and Brun does things Brun's way. Personally, I feel that so far Brun's way seems to be working better for Brun than Renee's way has been working for Renee. Of course, it's still early. It may be possible that Millefeuille isn't worth Renee or the rest of us learning her name.


Bun Brunch with Brun ; say that 3 times fast 🔥


Ya know, I like sober Millie a lot better than drunk Millie. :/


What? I'm starting to think Brun doesn't actually know what happens when Renee sleeps with someone. Does she think it's like a slumber party? Maybe the guy has pajamas stuffed in his wallet, like The Flash's costume is compressed into his ring?


So adorable.


I wish I could have jammies (and a condom) fly out of a secret compartment in my ring. That would be like 1,000,000 cool points. btw, was it ever explained how the Flash's costume got into the ring? I'm sure they can retcon it and call it boom tube tech, but still...


Do AIs fart?