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Hello friends! You may remember that a while back I posted a link to a survey about comics and comic culture for y'all to take- Justin (the PHD student who's doing the study) said the data was great, so thanks to everyone who filled it out!

Now: WE NEED MORE DATA. So, if you did not fill out the previous survey, it would be super helpful if you took a couple minutes to do this one! You'll also be entered in a drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card! If you did fill out the previous one, you should not fill out this one. Here's the link: 


A description of the survey from Justin: "The purpose of this study is to understand more about people’s self-perceptions regarding hobbies and interests (e.g., narrative fantasy such as comics, graphic novels, or video games)." All your data will be anonymous, they're not gonna sell any of your info to anyone or anything shady like that.

A couple quick notes- there may be some repeated questions or other seeming redundancies in the survey; this is by design. Just answer to the best of your abilities. Thanks again to y'all for helping out, Justin's gonna hopefully do some interesting science with this data!



What if you don't remember whether you did or not? :/ Would a possible repeat taint the data?


I was wondering the same

Randall Wald

Note that like the original survey, this one is specifically oriented towards those who have attended comic-book conventions and the like, or at least smaller-scale events in the same vein (such as book signings or product release parties). So if you haven't, you probably shouldn't be answering this survey.


Just as a note if you can pass it along to Justin: in some places for the "prove you're not just randomly clicking" question, it will say "slightly" when the actual choices are "somewhat".

Sheri Spangenberg

feels a bit like it's aimed at people who have singular hobbies. when you have like 15 hobbies, there's different answers that could apply to different ones.


Good to know. As much as I'd like to go, there just aren't a lot of cons in Michigan.

Darren Stalder

How does one determine if they took the first survey? Because I have no idea if I did or not.


The questions about satisfaction are largely irrelevant to me seeing that the person I have shared my wife with for decades recently died, and without her I have little or no meaning. I also am one of those people with a huge number of very diverse interests and it seems impossible to generalize about them.


that felt more like market research than a survey for a thesis


Ooooh academic research! Done. :)


Done :)


Ok that I shared a couple places?


For most of my hobbies, the term “product” is reaaaally confusing.


I'm pretty confused. Are we supposed to answer this survey as it relates to our interest in narrative fantasy/comics? Or pick another interest/hobby? WTF does it mean by "products"? Products of our environment? Consumer goods? Multiplication products?


This survey took just under 8 minutes, 9 seconds. Which is to say, Tunnel of Love was in the final few bars as I submitted it.


Done..was entertaining