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Matt Grayson

Awwwww! But what will the dogs think?

Nicholas Lopez

Elliot has a picture of Hercules on his wall and that's precious.

Dylan T

So like. I'm not the only one who read the last panel in Eddie Murphy's voice, right?




Yay is a tsundere for Hercules. “It’s not like you’re any better than adequate, b-baka!”


If the dog is like Ollie, he probably would protect the cat even though Maine coon cats don’t need a lot of protecting.


Vacant eyes. Dead. Like the eyes of a killer. I love him.


“Dog treats, belly rubs, world domin-SQUIRREL!”


Is that an anteater at bottom right?


My St. Boggle is named Hercules

Sleepy John

All SQUEE must happen in private to preserve Yayish dignity.

Douglas E. Smith

I've never met a sub-adequate cat. They have all been squee material.


So what I'm reading into this is that Elliot had a cat that exhibits all the same personality traits he does. I am okay with this!

Celine Chamberlin

Wait, what's the cat's name again? I can't remember.

Joel Bateman

I want Yay to meet the very pointy dog now.

Douglas E. Smith

I just realized Hercules had no issue with Elliot's skunk-funk. He is laid back! Or has no sense of smell...


Who put the glad in gladiator!


PURRCULES (I’ll see myself out)


Just one thing wrong with the name of the cat: The last letter should be replaced with 'Poirot'.

Captain Button

I got the email, and this shows up there, in the direct link, on Jeph's page, but not on my "all your creators" page. Weird.


Wait, wait, wait. He's living with a cat named - Hercules? (A cat named Hercules) Does he like the Chinese life or does he kneel and pray?

Michael Boettger

Yay on site: meh. Yay in the lair: Squeeeee!!


Is he great?

Captain Button

Popup: "Heads up We're experiencing some delays We're seeing delays with certain site functions right now like email notifications, Discord role assignments, and post access. Our team is working to resolve this delay now and expects to return to normal later tonight. "


god basically


I love this. Yay!


nono. Pericles is a different hero entirely ...


I wonder...if we were to watch the Yay!s in action, how much less reserved than they are in public.


Why do the different Yay bodies wear different outfits while around the house? I think previously you’ve drawn them all the same, which makes sense to me. Unless maybe they’re each an expression of a different aspect of the entire consciousness? Love the comics! I look forward to them every night :)

Kevin Jordan

I read the "Hercules" in Eddie Murphy in "Nutty Professor" for some reason.


Left to right: Bree-yay-anne Cy-yay-anne Di-yay-anne Eilee-yay-anne Also Yay is just Yay Anne. Because last names are cool.


adequate kitty!


So, is Hercules another cat that bears a strong resemblance to the late Moses, or did Elliot adopt Moses, rename him, and tell the other tenants that Moses is dead? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3957

Some Ed

Meh. Honestly, Elliot's not worse than all those stables combined. Also, *this* lifetime, it's not *his* responsibility, so why bother?


I want to pet that lumpus the most.

Some Ed

The logistics of wearing all identical outfits all the time, while having some variety in outfits, seems like an excessive waste of time to me. Just saying. They might prefer it when it happens to work out, but when it doesn't, why spend the extra effort?


Are their dogs looking at them jealously?


Probably more like confusedly. I'm assuming their dogs don't also have omni-present abilities, so they have no idea what's going on.


Except they are all just Yay (actually Yay Newfriend). They have many bodies, but they are only one person.


He's a big lumpus, he's a big lumpy boi


Outsourcing emotional outbursts, mmh... That could really come in handy in real life sometimes.


Hercules' theme song - https://youtu.be/laoBvt9CcQo

Stephen Smoogen

Once again the monthly patreon writes itself this month... panel after panel of Yay saying Hercules. The poll instead will be to add in options for where these yay's are. [Thanks Jaques I needed this smile today]

Creepy Cat Lady

Wait. Are all the other Yays in a different physical location, or are they in the house inside Yay's mind? Because if it's the latter then this is an extremely accurate depiction of well-adjusted DID.

Julia Allen-Hesse

Of course Elliot has a portrait of his cat hanging in his living room.

Gemma Hentsch

Yay! is... a mystery... they're basically some form of next evolutionary step... possibly.... or an emergent property of the AI grid.... or even an alien AI intelligence...


Possibly, or Jeph forgot that Hercules already has a name. Also, the realtor looks suspiciously like Beeps with a curly hair wig.

Evgeniy Semyonov

This is a typical romcom story. At first our heroes meet under strange/unfavorable conditions, then after some getting used to each other they seem to warm towards each other a lot - with help of pets and quirky friends. Plus I still think that Elliot would be the one person mostly adapted to Yay's gender fluidity. Yaylliot cursed ship is sailing in the night.

Some Ed

Actually, I'm pretty sure this is just a multi-corporeal form of emotional outburst insourcing.


not stong??


Elton John would be so proud.


I was going to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnjDydLpSZk


I imagine that last panel going something like this: https://youtu.be/PxYQQoYfMtQ


He strong He fatt But most important He sit in lapp

David Howe

Pointyboi in last panel looks very unimpressed...


hasn't Eliot been up for like 90 hours at this point?

Michael Boettger

This is QC time. Probably late morning til 8-ish or so. He may have done a shift at the bakery earlier, though.