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Shawn K. Younkin

Melon couldn't be more irresistibly adorable... Always there with a smile or a paperclip to help out.


Yay reminds me of a line moffat used to describe The Doctor, "...a god who wants to be human"


I know they're unspeakable, but what kinds of urges does Melon have?

Matt Grayson

But what about friendly advice? That’s not meddling. Even if the “advice” is the password to the administration’s database.

Michael Boettger

Yay seems to be showing more than a little empathy here. They're aware of what has transpired, and is willing to help. But Roko is right in declining, interference would undermine her efforts to achieve things on her own. And she doesn't want to depend on them.

Chris Hull

Love this trio.

Joel Bateman

They're still gonna meddle. Just a little tho. Just the tip.

Joseph Bonnar

Yay reminds me of me when I see a firestorm on Facebook and REFRAIN from putting my $29.99 (I NEVER settle for 2 cents!) in.


Yay has really grown up by being friends with Roko, I'm so proud of them.....also pouting Yay in the last panel is adorable.

Adam Friedlander

That paperclip must have a hell of a lot of hit points to still be in one piece.


I desperately want to know what they are, don't you?


I mean I get that Roko wants to achieve things for herself but May could really do with a new body, so isn't it a bit selfish of Roko not to let Yay help? I mean this isn't just about Roko doing it for herself, it involves someone else's welfare.


Yay, progress! And progress for Yay!


I'm sure Yay would be very interested in Roko's suspicion that the body assignment guy is a philosophical zombie. Is that where this arc is going?


On the one hand I agree, on the other hand we are talking about improving someone's life here. If she has the connections to get a new body for her friend, should she put her friends happiness over her own drive to succeed?


Yay is sincerely trying to be a good friend to Roko. They seem to be genuinely empathetic to Roko’s dissociative episodes, and her life in general. Roko would do well to recognize that before she loses a good friend.

Mark Thomas

I would say no, at least initially. if all of Roko's efforts end up completely in vain and she runs completely out of Neenah options and STILL refuses help, then yes, that would be selfish. but May isn't exactly in danger of dying of, or even being more than moderately inconvenienced in the next few months. Yay may be able to implement an expensive treatment of the symptoms the system is causing, but Roko is trying to straight up fix the PROBLEM that has created the symptoms. that would be a major win for AI/Human relations, and totally worth a few more days/weeks/months of May's discomfort as the price tag


I still wonder which of the three people in that room is the most dangerous.

Mitchell Sealy

Come to think of it, I wonder how much of this is recycled from Winslow's arc. He kind of had a similar arc going about pursuing this kind of volunteer work, but we only saw him do the one volunteer session before he got shanghaied into Hannelore's globetrotting adventures.


For someone who was initially reluctant to interfere, Yay is really finding it hard not to interfere. Guess that’s what happens when you make connections to other people and the world. You feel the need to be involved.

Mitchell Sealy

Is there some alternate universe where a different Pink Robot befriends our local benevolent hive mind?


If you have a finger in every pie, you will invariably want to have a taste of each of them

Clifton Royston

If someone's being a good friend is contingent on you allowing them to help you in the manner of their choosing, they're not actually a good friend. Fortunately Yay seems to have a firm grip on that, and a little bitching is usually in order among friends.


It's a well-fiddled paperclip


Wait. Is "restraint" really a thing? Asking for a friend...


I thought Yay spoke with Human Speech bubbles. eg 4035.

Sleepy John

Melon’s urges are unspeakable because she can’t pronounce them.

Douglas E. Smith

I love Yay's 'I hate not doing what I want,' face!


Remember way back when, when Jeph first tried to do an AI-centred strip and lost interest? How things have changed!


Just kiss already! :D

Nicolas Dao-Phan

I understand Roko's and SpookyBot position. When you have much more ressources or power then a friend or partner, it can make them feel unvalued, especially if you use those ressources to solve their problems. The best way IMO would be for SpookyBot to let Roko attempt to solve the problem herself and intervene only if Roko asks for SpookyBot's help.


On the other hand, Spookybot is so powerful, they could secretly influence events in such a way that Roko would succeed without knowing, and Roko knows Spookybot has that power. So any success would likely make her wonder if it was earned or given, thus it would be better for her to ask for the help in a specific way (say by making sure she gets whatever appointments with whoever she wants), rather than wonder if Yay is doing something sneaky. Basically the only way Roko can know Yay is not helping, is by asking for help in ways that makes Yay feel like a friend and that they are helping Roko, without it handing Roko the victory.


There's an alternate universe here, where Roko and Melon get into some kind of stupid danger - kidnapped or the like - and Yay goes all terminator and/or Assassin on the bad guys. Possibly, also the good guys and several non involved bystanders. And many excellent lines and puns around telling people their name is Yay.


The problem with paperclips is parts break off after too much fiddling.


But, what will Melon do with her urges if she gives up the paperclip?

Chuck Dee

Unspeakable urges? We've seen what Melon views as speakable urges. What nightmares are these unspeakable ones?


It's the little things, but the fact that Melon is the one who sits on the floor fits so well with her position inte group.

Chris Gallaty

The plus of a paperclip is if it does not work there is likely a reset switch you can hit with it somewhere as a last resort.

Some Ed

Actually, there's a fix for that. Reforge them before they break. Every time, before they break. It could go on forever. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to just let the paperclip break.

Some Ed

I think this solution likely doesn't work as well for those with distributed minds, such as Yay.

David Pipes

Well, I was right that they'd *want* to fix the situation. Didn't see them taking no for answer. It's an improvement over stomping all over everything to get things done, I guess.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I'm gonna come right out and say this: Jeph, you could *easily* discard the human cast of QC and focus entirely on the AI cast, and I doubt you'd lose any readers. It would still be a fascinating read every weekday.