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Daisy, you rascal!!

Joel Bateman

Why is Melon so adorable in that last panel?

Michael Boettger

Wonder if Yay has run into Cosmo? For that matter, how's Cosmo doing?

Anthony Gaglianese

Inductive fingertips, hive consciousness, EvilEyes V2, general sense of foreboding....the list is rather extensive...


these three are really cute together.

Lord Crusade

Spookybo- I mean "Yay," has some very interesting abilities


I can’t recall a time a single QC has made me laugh out loud FOUR times. This is such an absurdly good comic.


"...some other battery-powered device." Am I the only one who noticed Yay subtly pushing some really questionable content there? 👀😆


Dogs are good.

Mitchell Sealy

I would commit unspeakable atrocities to obtain this dog sensing suite.


I'm scared of what Clippy 2.0 would be like in a world of strong AI-"Hi there! I see you're writing erotic literature! Do you want me to tell you how exactly the climax response cycle works?"


For too many writers on fanfiction.net that sounds like an absolutely essential utility.

Danya Michael

Bonus comic request: Emily, Yay, and Brun talking about/summoning dogs.


OwO, can Yay look at me that way


I <b>like</b> Yay.


I do like the fact that she is playing with the paper clip. And she restored it to proper shape before returning it to Melon. Very thoughtful.

Bonnie Fiddis

I wonder how much this comic is a direct response to the comments on the comic where the wireless charging was revealed or if this was planned anyway.

Chong Go

Thanks, Jeph! This was a real bright spot in my day!

Thomas Halpin

Also known as hacking an unsecure wireless network and eavesdropping through a bluetooth speaker's microphone. Why tell all of the truth when mysteries are so fun?


Working on that paper clip... hilarious.



Mark Thomas

you say "she", but I always pictured Yay as being rather, well, androgynous. Their frame is sleek in a slightly more feminine seeming way, but they don't really have obvious female breasts like many of the bodies of AI that seem to identify as female. Whether it's intentional or simply a product of their personality, Yay seems to embody (again, pardon the pun XD ) the robot-ness of an AI who feels no need to pretend to be tied down with human limitations or labels. not trying to argue or anything :) just throwing my thoughts out here for conversation


Wondering if Jeph’s dog Ollie has ever purloined a whole chicken?


I'd like to petition for the next bonus comic to be about the adventures of Daisy.

Joseph Bonnar

We used to own Daisy. Sad day indeed. To wit, the day she purloined and ate an entire chicken. Bones included. The vet wasn't able to save her. :(

Joseph Bonnar

Melon's expression looking at that paper clip is pure gold.

Chris Heg

Ask them how Cosmos the borzoi is doing.


I got to ask... how sure are we that Daisy REALLY is a good girl? I'm not sure we can trust Yay's judgement here.


Is it possible to download my own dog sensing suite? I don’t care about the cost, just gotta know how all pups are doing

Charlotte Grubbs

I suspect Yay's definition of "good" is very different than most people's. Or they think ALL dogs are good, regardless of behavior to the contrary. (In fairness, they are correct.)


Did Yay just heat that paperclip to incandescence and bend it back to its original shape? That's a whole new level of OCD...


"Hey Beeps, is that a banana in your shirt pocket?"

Fart Captor

I'm so jealous of them


I somehow knew that the paper clip would end up looking like a paper clip again.


Our Daisy is a shar-pei/lab/boxer/kitchen sink - prefers to counter-surf for things like bread (loaves) and butter (sticks). She is a very good girl as long as we remember to shut the gates.


The smile on Melon's face almost offsets the terror I feel at the idea of such a sensitive dog sensing suite ever being anywhere near a vet or shelter..

Matt Grayson

Perhaps not all of Yay’s bodies are identical. Perhaps some are ... dogs!

Summer Sudbrink

I hope Yay is around if I ever have a heart attack.


I think this is the first comic in this series where no one has commented/questioned the fact that Yay is speaking in square speech-bubbles. I just realized a possible explanation was that Yay is choosing to 'fit in' with an all AI cast (at the moment) by using more normal AI speech patterns. Apologies if this has previously been mentioned or discussed and I missed it.

Matt Grayson

I might have mentioned something along these lines three days ago :-) It’s an interesting alternative to “Jeph got lazy”...

Matt Grayson

Do AI’s ask each other about models and body mods? I’d think Yay would get comments from people not recognizing their model. Unless, of course, there are a lot of androgynous snake-eyed chassis running around.

Bill Hall

Yay, on the other hand, is a very _bad_ girl for having told Daisy that the chicken was for Daisy to eat ...


At first, I was thinking the external cell was "To Call Humans"... then I realized how wild AI abilities would be. An AI could call a human cell, hold a whole conversation across the digital transfer, and never externally make a sound. Probably even carry on a separate face-to-face conversation simultaneously. O.O

Some Ed

Sometimes I wonder if La La Lee's reindeer is secretly one of the Yay continuum.

Some Ed

I have a suspicion that one of their abilities is being unperceptible to particular robots at whim, and possibly able to extend that to those they're speaking with. Or maybe it's just more of a SEP field effect - you don't perceive Yay unless you suspect Yay exists. Or both. That could explain why there was no appearance of Yay until after someone was commenting on the possibility of such an entity existing. People not perceiving Yay would really cut down on the number of body mod questions they get. Also, it's my impression that, yes, there are a lot of Yay running around.

Matt Grayson

I adore Yay's expression in panel 2. "I can think of a trillion things to make from this piece of wire. A butter-passing robot? No, too dark, and it's been done before. I know! .... the original paperclip." BTW, this day’s comic is perfect. It evokes a day at home with three very interesting and different people. They may be unreal, but they are insanely tangible.


Can I ship Yay and Melon? That is such a cute couple. 😍

David Howe

Knowing Yay, it might be an -actual- instance of Clippy... who just wants to help. The title sorta helps that along, too..

Yelling Bird

Roko and May hang out now. May has a battery that dies unpredictably, Roko has a recharging boob...

Some Ed

Because she's Melon. Also, happy at receiving a simple gift that she'd given someone else as if it was magical.




tbh it likely doesn't require that much voltage, but thanks for making me notice this.

David Howe

Sure, but an AI may not want a cellphone endpoint "built in" - not wanting to trust the cellphone provider to respect security boundaries, or so they can pass the unit to a human without having to detach bits of themselves.

David Howe

Also can intercept most communications and understand Emily. The latter being more of a challenge of course.