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Michael Boettger

Ah yes, Roko's own personal version of hell: Yay as a neighbor.


Aren't Spookybot's text bubbles usually round?

Lord Crusade

This is turning into Friends with robots more and more every strip


Yay makes a great point. She should have read her original body's manual.


Yay Newfriend!

Samantha Yeaman

Roko not being a manual-reading person honestly surprises me given how gung-ho she was about researching legislation to help May.


Yay, it's Yaaaaaaay!


Poor Roko is just trying to figure her body out, like robot puberty, and her two idiot friends are there to complicate the matter.



Joel Bateman

It's Yay, never question how they function. It's like trying to figure out Q in Star Trek. You just don't.


yaaaaaaay More Yaaaaaay I love spookilyOmnicientBot

Joel Bateman

I think everyone needs a friend like Melon.

Aqua Allison

Huh, Yay's speech bubbles are blocky this time. Maybe she's partitioned this body to specifically be here to talk to Roko and Melon, therefore it's less exploratory and more function-driven?


Seeing Roko's hands' positions in the first panel is making my wrists hurt.

Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- exactly, who reads user manuals?? And never EVER change Melon.... keep on making terrible decisions. <3


Now Yay is here, I would like to see what would apen if they got involved with our new friend Greg L.


Makes sense. When you have your conscience spread across several bodies, why keep them all in one place?


Roko is the queen of the semi-slouched resigned postural expression.

Michael Boettger

She has ball joints there. Give her some 270° range of motion. Or not, just guessing.

Erin Moriarty

I'm pretty sure Melon is actually my subconscious.


I'm one of those people that loves reading manuals. I read them from start to finish. Even read my car's manual haha. I also love reading step by step instructions. There's something soothing about following instructions. Takes me back to the time I was making Lego as a kid. But I actually know nobody that also enjoys manuals. But we exists!


Establishing shot that this body can change colors. I know a green AI who needs a body really badly... Of course, part of what I love about this comic is that I can seldom predict what Jeph's up to.


Wait, Melon sees Roko as purple? She looks pink to me. Magenta at most.

Chuck Dee

She's switching back in that same panel. If you look at her hands, you can see her green color gradually switching.


Roko was a goddamn COP and she didn't know she could change her appearance at any time for undercover work or anything else like that?


Oh Melon. OF COURSE you could make terrible mistakes in a charging pod. Believe in yourself.

Joseph Bonnar

Who else lives in that building? Or is going to move in there? (Now I have a Tom Lehrer ear worm... "Who's next?")


i guess Yay is now the Kramer of QC

Mitchell Sealy

I'm pretty sure that just because you're a cop doesn't mean you're eligible for any kind of work involving disguises. Get the impression there's a pretty clear delineation between the officers who pull you over for traffic tickets and the officers who infiltrate the mob.


That confirms that some 'droids opt for nothing more than a secure place to recharge. Great if you're a frugal sort.


Yay is more like Nigel from Frasier than Kramer from Seinfeld. Melon is definitely more like Kramer.

Fart Captor

Melon's outfit is ADORABLE


Well, she DID donate her billions to a good cause, she might be frugal for a while.


Don't know why, but spooky bot is sooo hot... Okay I know why *lol*

Thomas Boys

Missed pun opportunity: "Welcome to the Yayborhood"

Jason Zions

When did Yay switch from round speech bubbles to square? I thought that was one of the "wow!" aspects of Spooky Bot - they're not meat-human but their speech is in meat-human bubbles.

Sleepy John

I would have given a great deal for a manual for this body, between the ages of ten and twenty-one.

Sleepy John

So now all Melon has to do to visit Ysy is make a volcano that will go through Roko’s floor, too!

Douglas E. Smith

Yay's intrusion into Roko's life really makes me wonder if they're actually lonely or if friendship is just one more experience to have with a distributed consciousness. What is the rest of Yay doing? Questions abound!


"I've been standing here the whole time, my bodies can turn invisible," would not surprised me at all, coming from Yay Friend.

Matt Grayson

Note that the last time Roko suggested that Yay was listening in on her, Yay responded that they were *trying* to adhere to their agreement. (emphasis mine) I always wondered why they qualified it, given their "almost limitless abilities".

Some Ed

I see it as Roko simply feeling like her original body was *her*, and she *knew* it, so didn't have to read the manual. But it turns out she didn't really know it that well after all.

Some Ed

I'd certainly want to keep *some* in the same place, because I'm not flexible enough to reach all parts of my back, and I feel a bit uncomfortable about the space that I've only ever managed to clean by holding a wash cloth from above and below, and holding it against me while moving it like I was trying to saw into my back with it. But beyond self care like that? Totally spread them out as much as is feasible.

Some Ed

No. I mean, sure, that's the honest answer, but Yay Newfriend wouldn't *admit* that. Of course, the answer they gave is also true, because they did rent the recharge pod downstairs because they don't want to be a mooch. I mean, just because they're not Sven doesn't mean they *have* to be a mooch.


I've always imagined Melon as an AI that intentionally skipped the normal orientation process and said, "Thanks but I'll figure it out on my own."