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Ted Van Roekel

I want a warranty! Or a manual.

Nicholas Lopez

I'd like to see more of Faye's mom and sister just to see how they're doing in a future comic.

Joel Bateman

Wish ours came with a manual. It seems most boys when they get their first boner out like it's broken. Lol


Oof, poor Roko, I can't imagine reading a manual about a body you already don't feel at home in would do much to actually make you feel More comfortable in it

A.A. aka Double

I just want to say I love Bubbles' face in that last panel. Made me chuckle.


i wish i had a manual, i still don't know what's going on.


Almost expected to see Clippy with that warning.


"at least the wiki" or TL;DR

Shawn K. Younkin

Who reads manuals when you got a sweet emblem on your butt??

Gary Walker

There is a vaguely foreshadowed future conversation with Faye's mom about Faye dating a large robot lady.

Barry Callahan

If you really want to be horrified, go look up Adobe's official specifications for PDF. In short: a fully compliant PDF reader must support both javascript and flash, and be able to open arbitrary network connections. I've seen PDFs with live webcam feeds embedded in them. Also: PDFs can have arbitrary files embedded in them as "attachments".

Max Kaehn

I think my warranty ran out when I turned 45.


I never had a warranty to begin with. Would have been nice, with all that my body has been through.

Captain Button

PDF is one of the fastest growing religions.

Captain Button


Mark Thomas

when you can "read" the manual in milliseconds, you'd think most robots would

drone r0m-3

Mine was defective from the start and didn't come with a warranty. The best I got was "Sorry, puberty 1.0-male was defective. Introducing puberty 2.0-female all the fun of puberty, but at the age of 39! Puberty 2.0! YAY!"

J.E. Melton

Bubbles's expression in last panel very clearly communicates a rather fond, "Okay, meatbag."


There is always fine print

Jeremy J Nickurak

you can find the important stuff as you need it on stack overflow anyways


I know my wiring has been shorted and I’m not producing as much testosterone since I was 8, at least.


Is there a FAQ?


I wish other people came with instruction manuals. It would make relationships so much easier!

Joseph Bonnar

My instruction manual would be a nightmare. Either that, or down to two: First: Open mouth. Next: Insert foot. Repeat as needed.

Dean Reilly

As Faye and Bubbles are running a business, the advice in panel 2 should be good for an extra $50 on the bill, at least.


My head figures that Faye started by asking her mom "Why am I so much thiccer than the other girls?"


Oh jeez - AIs Pre-loaded with crappy bloatware.


damn, Faye has some great tits int he last panel!

Matt Grayson

“So, Bubbles, I need to punch the face of the AI body assigner. Since I promised you that I wouldn’t test my new firmware, would you be willing to punch him for me? As hard as you can would be fine.”


Cliffnotes for AI manuals.

Taylor Kendall

In an event more dystopian turn Bubble's firmware makes her feel like she pet a puppy every time she punches something.

Trigon Manthree

Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air / I never thought I could feel so free


The condescending bubbly language in the alerts is almost as bad as the concept itself.