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the law



Alcaria Swain

Jealous girlfriend 🧡

Edward Clayton Andrews

And that's just an articulation of best practices for relationship survival.


tonight... I calibrate my love... for you


It is a just law. <3

Michael Boettger

Bubs is the best! And I don't think Faye is jealous, she just likes hugging her.


"Please don't verify the fix by punching the wall again"


Watershed moment in the Roko/Bubbles relationship. Love the expression on Roko's face in panel 3. [Edit: oops, panel 4]

David Johnson

I dunno, she was blushing after that hug. Did Jeph just plant the seeds of drama??????


Bubbles’ hugs are magical

Shawn K. Younkin

Nah! I think Bubbles sees Roko as a relate-table soul since they both had body issues - Roko with her dismorphia and Bubbles never wanting to be out of her armour. Plus, some positive reinforcement never hurts, especially if it comes w/ a hug.

Shawn K. Younkin

I agree w/ the arbitrary rules Faye just invented on the spot.


Can't wait for her to ask (can't remember his name) to bake her a Bubbles-shaped loaf


Elliot. Which reminds me, we haven't seen anything of him, Brun, or Clinton in a while. I suppose they're next on the rotation, if Jeph figures out where that particular triangle is going.


IIRC its 3 hugs for every 1 otherwise it's not even

Buck Caldwell

Yet another robot lady learns the pleasures of boobs.




I like Faye's smooshed glasses in the last panel. A good hug is always worth the risk of dirty lenses and bent frames.


Ugh I could use a hug from Bubbles right now

Mitchell Sealy

I thought maybe word getting out that they jailbreak was gonna be what fixed their financial woes, but if they do it for free I guess not.


Hugpay™ must be shared with business partners, with interest.


I'm luvin Bubble's tank top and shorts


Wondering if Bubbles’s hugs are like getting hugs from a bear, but slightly less like to kill you.


If she used even 1% less precision, probably more likely.

Dean Reilly

Bubbles, Roko is making use of your expertise. You can at least ask her to put up a flyer at the AI advocacy office.

Mitchell Sealy

I feel like they're their own worst enemies in this business. The work they do is so important, and they need it to pay their bills, but all they wanna do is help out the poor and disenfranchised for free. It seems like half their clients can't afford to pay them, and the other half they just serve pro bono anyway.


I know, right? So, so good to see Rocco looking vulnerable.

Douglas E. Smith

Despite Bubbles' potential lethality, I feel her hugs must be like being hugged by your favorite couch and fluffy blanket, especially since it has been established she is warm.


"Balance must be maintained" - good thing they both just so happen to be in the maintenance business...


I want a Bubbles hug!! especially if she's wearing that tank top!!


balanced girlfriend >> jealous girlfriend

Some Ed

It still could be. I mean, once they get in the door, they might stick around for other service.


Yeah, it's nice to see her in some cute clothes, and not just the body suit.


So is Faye jelly, or just reminded that, at her height, hugging Bubbles is like being wrapped in a warm, safe blanket?