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turn it off!!



Michael Boettger

Somehow I thought Bubs and Faye were her next stop.



Michael Boettger

And please tell me that's not pintsize's head.

Spoogle McGee

To make bios changes do they put her to sleep then rappidly tap on her nipple as she wakes up?


Then let Roko borrow a heavy bag, Bubs

Joel Bateman

It's Roko's body, she should be allowed to do what she wants with it. I can understand her frustration. I grew up in a school that pretty much told us what to do with our own bodies. It wasn't until I was older that I actually started living.

Captain Button

Did Patreon switch to a much duller red for the Like hearts, or is it just me?


turn it the FUCK off


Odd. Roko is clearly upset, but it's not causing her to revert to her angry accent.


And in her case she was already having body rejection issues before she had the thing suddenly and unexpectedly reject her control of it


I'm sorry did you just make a cheese grater reference and not expect the furries to catch on?


Maybe removing that firmware will help with her disassociation problems.


oof, yeah, big oof

A. J. Alfieri-Crispin

“I just tried to do something, and my body wouldn’t let me!” -Said every middle aged person everywhere


Kinda random but I keep getting surprised by how buff Bubbles is and jesus FUCK

Kyle Rudy

Oh dear. If this follows the same legal logic that lets John Deere get away with their bullshit, this will result in the shop being shut down, Faye and Bubbles being sued into homelessness, and Roko's body being repossessed. After all, you don't really own your body, Roko, you're just licensing it.


How can I confirm it's gone? Do you have a vegetable peeler?


Sounds like her body was made by Apple.


Jesus... really think about that for a second. What an existential nightmare. I totally get why Roko would lose her shit.

Jason Rock

She’s handling it a little better than I feared, honestly.

William Karr

Considering she didn’t go all Boston accent and all.... I’m with you.


Said every obese person everywhere. (( I speak from experience, don't @ me with some fat acceptance bull$h*t ))

Yonatan Zunger

I just want to note how lucky Roko is to have friends like that - who will listen, understand, perform surgery, and also know what to get her to say out loud beforehand to keep her from hurting herself after - I suspect also from experience.


Bubs needs a "I Void Warranties" t-shirt


Having just "upgraded" to Catalina, I do worry about that. "What do you mean I can't do that!? I'm root!"


On first instinct I think you are misreading and overthinking it. However after reading Jeph for all these years I suspect you read his intent correctly even if she just tried to punch a wall. I think a bigger question is how smart is the protection firmware. If someone attacks her and she has to throw up an arm to block a weapon, willingly taking less threatening damage is this firmware going to stop her from even that. It's a neat story but I imagine this issue would have been sorted out long ago in JephVerse, were it a real thing :) Also why the hell hasn't someone optioned QC for an anime?

Tim Williams

Faye holding Pintsize' spare head? Does Union Robotics have a bin out back with broken robot parts? Sounds like a perfect opportunity to build hotrod robot bodies


... what the heck is Faye holding??

Some Ed

I think Roko should make a counter offer: Bubbles should tell Roko the least risky thing that she currently can't do with the hazard protection firmware enabled, let Roko verify she can't do it while it's still enabled, and then let her test *that* after it's been disabled. Even if Roko promises to not test it after it's disabled, Bubbles should know she still will. The only things that promise would accomplish would be delaying the test, and having Roko find another repair shop to get the resulting damage repaired.


Faye sum it up nicely


Voiding the warranty flat out for disabling it is definitely a Magnuson-Moss violation.

Mitchell Sealy

I imagine Bubble's knowledge of this particular model's firmware isn't quite that specific. She knows where the off switch is but it's not like she's just made it her business to learn extensive minutia about every piece of software somebody could come in here with.


I'd forgotten about the cheese grater.


If you aren't allowed to make bad decisions, are you really allowed to make any decisions at all?

Matt Grayson

Why can you go cross eyed but not wall eyed? Because your body won’t let you. There’s no physical limitation. It’s just firmware.


Can’t decide which is hotter: Roko wearing a three piece suit or Bubbles in a tang top. Come to think of it, have we seen Bubbles in formal wear?

Mitchell Sealy

A fundamental limitation of your nervous system is still not the same as a barrier between your brain and your nervous system that commandeers your body when you go against the company line. You are not going to find a comparable human experience because this is a fundamentally inhuman experience. An Artificial Intelligence who can change bodies like clothes but finds the manufacturers of these bodies have left tendrils in them to manipulate their actions.


The human body does this all the time. Put your hand on something hot, your hand will jerk it back.

Mitchell Sealy

It literally won't. There is no mechanism in the human hand to do that without first receiving a signal from the human brain. Ie, you pull your hand back, your hand does not act autonomously, and it certainly does not act at the behest of some third party, which is what is happening here.

Adam Abbott

I dunno, might have to jailbreak her to get it off. That'd void the warranty.


turn it off!!


Being an owner and user of two prosthetic limbs, I can agree that this sounds like a literal nightmare. Congrats (?) To Jeph. I personally think you nailed how this would feel.

Daniel Rydberg

I hope there will be an equally unprofessional :-( in the OopsieGuard(tm) turn off notice when Bubbles turns it off as the unprofessional :-) in previous comic!


i can't hear you over the sound of how broken i am


Called it on the vegetable peeler... or cheese grater.. (was it a cheese grater?)


I totally get where Roko is coming from. That being said, I wish I had one of those firmware settings. I'd totally keep it on.