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Michael Boettger

Have a talk with the gallery owner, Faye. Maybe you could do a commission for him?

Lord Crusade

I love this comic so much sometimes (all times).


Russian Circles b/w Sabbles

Zach Elwyn

Sam’s eyes!

Ian Cull

I’m getting three email alerts from Patreon, but only for this QC. Anyone know why? Just started last night


anyone else getting three notification emails from patreon at once?

Michael Boettger

Faye knows about the corrosive lubricant. DUN,DUN,DUN! foreshadowing.

Grant Swire

Three emails again. And I am getting it from another patreon as well. Also wondering if Faye is just going to build a full bot frame to upstage the art.


I really want to see Sam's hands. By now she'll need a shower... Unless sufficient time passed after the first panel.


So are blush responses just standard equipment, or what? Because it seems like an unlikely feature to include in a military bot.

Mitchell Sealy

Sucks that things aren't working out for Faye artisitically. Sometimes our first passion doesn't turn out to be our most marketable one. Her mechanical skills are turning out to be much more profitable than her artistic skills. In theory it should be a good thing for her to find her thing even this late in the game, but it sounds like she really wishes she could be doing something artsy even now. Maybe she'll just have to make peace with the fact that the arts will only ever be a hobby for her, but I hope she finds some way to incorporate it into her work.


I think "glamour" is spelled with a "u."


Poor Faye. I want to give her a hug and tell her she is artsy as fuck.


Ok patreon, i'll go look, geez...


Regarding panel 2 - "Proponents of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) claim that certain eye-movements are reliable indicators of lying. According to this notion, a person looking up to their right suggests a lie . . ." I'm getting the multiple messages, too. If it's happening with more than one artist, it's no doubt a Patreon issue.


Faye has been highly successful the one time she made art in the strip (that I remember, at least). She just stopped after that.

Freya Nordstal

Could be the military decided to include them in order to not alienate any civilians she might have needed to interact with.

Sleepy John

Sucks to be the grown-up, Faye.


personal fulfilment ftw!


Faye's funding made the collaboration possible. She's their first Patron™!


Faye, there is a substantial amount of artistic talent necessary to do a hip repair (or any of the other work you're doing on the bots).


Also nice to see Sam using proper grammar: "between Bubbles and me!"


Poor Faye. She's definitely not the first art student to make that complaint though.

Creepy Cat Lady

I noticed that too and it made me so happy!!! (waiting for someone to argue that it should have been "I" in 3...2...1...)

Brian Leahy

Are you also getting 3 emails on Sunday nights? That's happened to me twice.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

having to pay bills and herd children is how *has not drawn anything of substance in two months, and the two months ago was specifically for a special event, prior to which NOTHING FOR YEARS*


Yeah, Faye. Get in the game.

Chas Simmons

"Corrosive" usually implies that it attacks metals, which means the lubricant would tend to more damaging to robot joints than to human flesh. (Lubricants are often advertised as "anti-corrosive".) Desiccating" is more plausible sounding to me. But what do I know?


So now May will be managing Sam AND Bubbles' artistic endeavors?


Narrator: May will not exercise caution.

Chris Crowther

I think if Faye wants to create art she should just go and create art, not wait for someone to ask her to create it. Didn't her last art commission come about because someone saw something she'd made of her own volition?


As a fellow Bachelor of Arts: Studio Art.... I see you Faye.

Mitchell Sealy

She seems like she's got a lot of spare time when she's at work right now. Could be worth a shot to spend that time making some doodads and see if she gets any biters.

Joseph Bonnar

Where's Roko, I wonder...


Twice now i got 3 emails of a new post. Dont have the same problem with others on patreon.


Ce n'est pas un degré. (it's O.K., I also have a useless degree!)


I feel Faye so hard. Why am I the only one not doing art stuff?!


I guess many of us echo that. answer- money, money and professional art is a different world than personal


That Anomalocaridid sculpture won't build itself! https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2343

Douglas E. Smith

Alkaline substances can be slippery to the touch (think soap and oven cleaner) without doing damage to metals but be very damaging to organic materials (think NaOH scene in Fight Club). However, I have no clue how effective something like that would be as a lubricant for engineered mechanical parts.


She's not doing it because ... she's not doing it. Sure, other people are being paid for their work but even so, she's doing nothing. I see no practice, no learning, no reaching out to potential clients, nothing. The reason she's not doing art is because she's made no effort to do art. She's spent lots of time investing in getting the business going and that's where she's made her priority. If she doesn't make art a priority then nothing will change.

Michael Boettger

I build models for relaxation. I don't have a lot of time for it, but that doesn't prevent me from buying kits and being involved in that community. So like Faye, lack of opportunity doesn't mean lack of desire.


same. started the same day as yours.


knowing what we know about prior interactions involving that hip joint & that lubricant, I think they all need a shower ... maybe all of us, too ...


So when do they get to join Josh for the desert recordings?

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Not really (or necessarily) useless. My last year roomie in college traded a stained-glass business sign for a half-carat diamond ring for his fiancee. Stained glass was his specialty in Studio Arts 403.


Which half of the spray is Bubbles‘?


"Assistant" is just a nice way of saying "gopher". May will be the one going to the store for new markers, and picking up coffee.


Meeting with the AI body assignment person? And hopefully not being <i>too</i> creepy about it.

Joseph Bonnar

I would hope not creepy, but rather assertive and also proactive. ("We can pay x amount of $$$ now, or three times the amount when her body collapses and we get sued.")

Jim Feldman

So what, does no one know how to "glove up" prior to working with caustic/acidic or otherwise corrosive materials?


Seriously! She doesn't need anyone's permission. She's got a workshop, she's got time - even if she just tinkered and had some projects around the place, it could get folks' interest!


I'm not sure "glamor shots" in the US means the same as "glamour shots" in the UK, which would involve at least partial female nudity.


Well, if they're like the Glamor Shots of the 90's, they were risqué to be sure, but no nudes. Also enough soft lens effects to make you think all their cameras were covered in a gallon of petroleum jelly.


File this under "what the hell were they thinking!" https://www.google.com/search?q=bad+glamor+shots