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Joel Bateman

His mix tape is literally fire

Samantha Yeaman

I would love to know what Sven's passion project would sound like. I'd be so on board for a mini-Sven arc where he stops being a sell-out and develops some goals of his own. I believe in you, Sven. You're my favourite jerk.


Was it a cleansing ritual fire?


I want to know what the bottom right section of the board says. Something about don't drink the ice drinks?


We don't do ice drinks? There's a little bit of pink writing peeking out behind his sleeve that would match to an "e."


I think it says "We don't do iced drinks"


Affoget about even thinking of asking for one.


He literally can’t succeed when he tries, and only succeeds when he doesn’t. Good god.


Good Advice - 69


Nice ^

Rob McBobson

What's the item on the blackboard right between Americano and Advice?


Dora's hearing about her brother's insecurities and failures! He's opening up to her! Their relationship is leveling up!!

Dave Miller

I'm very interested in more information about the Iced Blood Pack. Asking for a friend.

Sleepy John

"I wouldn't listen to the crap I write if I didn't know I was a genius." - Floyd Pepper, of The Electric Mayhem.


Looks to be "Affogato", an espresso-and-ice-cream drink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affogato


“Sometimes being terrible is the best thing you are good at.” – Sven Bianchi 2019


Also, no horses, pigs, or goats were harmed in the burning of the barn. Geese on the other hand totally made it worse.


I keep thinking every time Sven moves it's because his hair situation makes his pubes itch. Then I noticed you rarely see his hands, and never both at once. Must be adjusting damn near continuously!


The fact that his agent has (no... had) a barn is pretty telling.


jeph, you're making sven cute in addition to hot, this is unfair


He should try writing something totally shit, and then he'll be an overnight success.


I like the drink sizes - S M L XL WTF


Jeph, there's an error in the comic - it looks like the overflow from the bottom left panel's drinks list is appearing on the large board behind Dora in the final panel. The large board should be blank.

Kurist Zero

How has no one made a "burning down the house" pun in these comments 😅


Thank you Jeph. I have been enjoying your dailies for years. :)


Watch out you might get what you're after


Advice 2$. Good advice. Affogato NO but Blood pack 4$ I guess Dora is catering to her old goth crowd.

Summer Sudbrink

Positive spin: My agent said it was lit.

The Fire Piper

I do like the moral this implies; I act the way I do and do the things I do because they are rewarded, and those things that actually fulfill me are punished. Hopefully, this leads in the story that if you stop letting yourself be manipulated this way and let go, you will feel better about yourself and make your life better.


It may help Dora to hear this. Dora on why Sven makes her crazy: "And he doesn't even have to TRY! He cruised through high school and college, he never studied and still got perfect grades. Meanwhile I'm busting my ass to make Cs and Ds. Then AFTER school, he writes a couple stupid fucking songs and the paychecks just come rolling in. Meanwhile I can barely afford to pay myself a living wage. " https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1107

Daryl Sawyer

Sven makes me think of a guy who wished on a monkey's paw. When he was young, he wished to be a successful musician who got all the girls. Poof! He got his wish! Except he can only find success doing music he hates, and his easy success with the ladies has resulted in him being emotionally stunted to the point he's completely incapable of a normal, long-term relationship.


On the other hand, this curse equips him nicely for an abnormal relationship, and as arcane, occult curses go, May is very nice.


Burning a piece of bad writing in a ritual fire totally sounds like something Dora would do.