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Joel Bateman

Sven is a douche, a womanizer, an over confident jack ass, and a jerk. But he's not a mooch. So...Sven redemption arc?!


Sven is many things. However, he always pays his bills.


Don’t worry about it, that was a Melon drain cleaner special.


Also, he's probably still not quite happy with how his last conversation with May.


aww siblings


This whole arc has been about redeeming Sven. He already has come to the conclusion that if you're going to sleep around, just let the women know that's your plan from the start and there won't be so many problems afterwards.

Chas Simmons

As Guy Debord wrote, conspicuous consumers always pay. (Being a communist, he meant that as an insult.)

Ian MacLean

Good place to go. Pratfalls coming (npi) I'm sure...


It wouldn't be so tragic if he wasn't so painfully aware.

Mitchell Sealy

I mean, it sounds like his earnest album was a bit more than "rejected". It was burned in a ritual fire. That can't be easy on the self esteem.


I suspect he didn't get any feedback on it while it was in development. And didn't shop it around to find the right audience after it was rejected. Performance involves an audience, yanno?


...I'm pretty sure he is a mooch?


"decided to cut his losses" and "gave up" are the same thing, right?


But why would he have real feelings for May? what interactions have they had? She yelled at him for being too emotional about one night stands, they hooked up, he bought a bag of chips, they hooked up again, she told him she doesn't want anything to come. No room for emotional development in that cumulative like 4 hours of interaction

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Sven certainly has *money* enough (relative to Dora) that he doesn't *need* to be a mooch. If he does it anyway, that says a lot worse about his character than we've ever seen before.


And “fruitless endeavor” means no groupies I guess?