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Good country exists. It's just hard to find these days.


Dora looks like she reverted back to a teenager in the last two panels in particular. Something about the expression I guess :)


I'm with Dora on this one.

Carl Fink

I think she has her head tilted forward in those panels. That's why everything is shortened top-to-bottom, including her eyes. She does look 10 years younger though, you're right.


My headcanon is that Jeph set up this entire universe for this one joke, and by extension, Dora's reaction

Michael Boettger

Remember, a lot of the conflict between these two, developed when they were teens, so the teenager comparison may be apt.


Best part of Sven appearances are the bad country song titles. Well, that and the longterm dramatic arc, but I am definitely here for the titles as well.


ah pandering!


The regret on Dora's face for bringing up the topic is amazing lol


So, when is he going to write the song about the self-driving truck leaving it's owner?

Lars Gottlieb

Why is the blackboard blank? Are they all out of coffee at the Coffee of Doom?


Given the state of ai in this world, that's probaly something that happens now and then.


I like Dora in "Sassy Supportive" mode in panel 2


I like the way the titles are SO bad, you need to check and make sure it wasn't actually a #1 hit.


Sven: Totally not sponsored by Realtree ™


To be perfectly honest it's actually kind of deep in a weird way

David Hall

That song would probably sell. Somebody call Toby Keith!

Beebob Mckenzie

I would... listen to that... just to say I had. Sounds like it would be an experience. I also like the implication that the wife in the song has been practicing presumably to fuck with people.

Eric Sieck

I’d argue that your intent determines whether or not you accomplished your goal, but doesn’t affect the quality at all.

Daryl Sawyer

lmao, I love it. I don't listen to a lot of country, but I do listen to it every now and then (I get a bug to listen to some maybe once or twice a decade), and one of my favorite songs is Brad Paisley's "Camouflage".

Terry Parry

I wonder if this is how country roads got written


We all agree deathmole is great and you should do more music on it, but am I the only one who wants a "Sveen's greatests hits album"?


you need the ultimate country music experience - the perfect country & western song: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Never_Even_Called_Me_by_My_Name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sco_eBvXGTQ


if tomorrow's comic just says "The End", then we'll know.

Joel Bateman

Good and Country music should not be in the same sentence, Dora.

Daryl Sawyer

There's good country. There may be a difference of opinion on what country counts as good (old style cowboy music: good; nu-country that's just a pop song with some steel guitar edited in: bad), but it is possible to be able to like some country. If your issue is with the political implications, give some old Johnny Cash a try.


Almost spit my coffee out this morning. Then I showed it to my wife (not a reader on the reg) and she did the same.

Kerin Schiesser

I'm definitely not much of a country fan, but I do like some of the old Patsy Cline and Johnny Cash. Basically, the stuff that avoids the "twangy" effect. But a few modern songs have really tickled me - look up a video/song called "My 'give-a-damn's' BUSTED" (may be slight variation in how it's spelled). That one is pure comedy while also being deeply full of truth. For a somewhat darker, but good, one, try "Gunpowder and Lead."