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Lord Crusade

Oh god, don't encourage her

Samantha Yeaman

I love the look May has in the last panel; I feel like her and Repairbot (He doesn't have a name yet, so, improvise, adapt, overcome) would be good pals.


Why didn't they go to Bubbles and Faye?


Wouldn't do to have your advocate faint in the middle of your diagnostic.


Perhaps a robot hookup is in order?

Joseph Houk

Looks like an AI version of Jeph?

Dahlia Rose Israel

Wow. I mean we always knew May's body was far from top of the line but I never figured it was THIS bad. lol


Wondering why some AIs have noses and some don't... Not that there's anything wrong with that...


Those two seem good together.


I wonder how the olfactory systems in the bodies work. It might just be the art style but it doesn't appear that even AIs with noses have actual nostrils.

Alcaria Swain

I want Repairbot to be part of the cast

Buck Caldwell

I like Roko being considerate and deliberately covering her view of the deconstructed (and declothed) May. Then again, who knows, she may be squeamish about the sight of disassembly, especially given her recent experience.


The look on Roko’s face in the last panel (mainly her mouth) reminds me SO MUCH of Spookybot when they’re regretting rummaging around in Bubbles’ head a few months ago.

Joel Bateman

One question I've always had. When an AI gets a new body, is it customised to look like their old one, like Roko? Or are they set designs like a car? Do they freak out when they see another AI that looks just like them, in the same chassis, or is it just a passing "Hey, looking good!"?


Every once and a while I am amazed at the way this comic has transition seamlessly from being about a lonely indie rocker in his early 20s to being largely about robots fighting for social and political rights. It's awesome.


Poor May. She knows her chassis is bad, but having someone else say so bluntly is still kind of harsh.


I like this bot

Joshua Thomas

Is she on the phone? Or just holding up her hand to give Mae privacy?


I've always figured it depends on how much money you spend. Like, you can have the off-the-shelf Steve-brand body, which looks like all the other Steve-brand bodies, or you can have something a bit more customised if you're prepared to pay for it.


Repairbot is clearly an ex Team Rocket member

Sleepy John

I'm just wondering if this whole project of Roko's is her way of compensating for her own experience. Like, 500 people haven't already thought that, yeah.

Panic Blitz

Jeph, isn't that your hat?

Ronald Lugge

This is part of fixing the problem. In it's own excellent way, it's the opposite of harsh.


What kind of dog is Ollie? what happened to your Pyr? i lost my Pyr (Janie) 2 years ago.,


Hands up if you spent ages combing the background for some tiny detail because you misread what Jeph meant by 'zoom'




I like his attitude


Dude! Sweet!


Was at an art opening this evening, and ran into a person right out of the QC cast. I mean, she didn't go "loo LEEE loo", but she had everything else down pat.


Is good to see someone not geting judgy with May

Dylan T



Nice to see May all happy in the last frame :)

Evgeniy Semyonov

Roko in the last frame looks exactly like the single sensible member of the gang of lunatics in the middle of the Edgar Wright heist movie, right before the reveal that he/she is actually the biggest lunatic of them all.

Dylan T

I like the attention to detail that Roko refuses to look at what's happening because she's squeamish. Good continuity..


The technician seems like a pretty ok guy


I wanna see what goes into the whole 'This AI body comes with a nose and this one doesn't' thing. Like, is the nose extra? Can you still enjoy tea without a nose? The people need answers!


That would just cause erections

David Pipes

When do we get this shirt in the store, Jeph? :-) I can't wear my Bearmonster forever...

David Pipes

That's it! "Beep Boop" with robot moths circling it, and chewed cloth revealing patches of circuitry underneath...

Jeffrey Nonken

I'm still on my first "TEH" shirt, but I expect to replace it when it wears out. I'll take a "BEEP BOOP" shirt, though!


i want two noses two big long ol' noses where do they go? side by side? front and back? over/under? who knows


I want a beep boob shirt. Anyone else?


It will be read as an instruction and lead to stabbings. Peep boob would also be read as an instruction, but no one needs to be instructed to do that.


I always wonder how May came up with a few million as the baseline. The cheapest fighter jet in the US is a F-16 fighting falcon that costed $18M in 1998 ($27M in 2017).

Matt Grayson

Back when she was just a hologram, she told Dale that it was $750 million.


anyone can translate it for me please

Peter McDevitt

how come you don't have to censor robo-boobs?


Probably for the same reason no one censors mannequins in fashion stores if they're undressed.


You can pick your technician, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your technician's nose.


If you're in that much of a hurry, there's one on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Light-and-Lines-Company/dp/B07MGHKPVH


https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2502 Huh... Patreon is removing my hyperlinks.

Evgeniy Semyonov

I think in this case it's just a brand feature? There are different brands of AI bodies, like there are different brands of... well, anything, and distinct feature of this brand is no visible nose. Of course every employee in the store would use the body of the same brand, otherwise it would be like constantly showing off your iPhone while working in the Samsung store. Or driving your Audi to the BMV dealership.


No *female* nipples. Paste photos of indistinguishable man-nipples over just the aureolae and you're fine... because humans are stupid. Hodges' Rule of Thumb: do not expect reasonable from anything with a thumb.

Clifton Royston

I've realized "Roko and May" would be a classic buddy movie, never mind shipping them: "She's a tough-as-nails ex-cop who left the force to work for robot rights. *She's* a down-on-her-luck ex-con with a foul mouth and a heart of gold. Together, they fight for justice!"


There's another Faye t-shirt in his store: https://topatoco.com/collections/jeph-jacques/products/qc-robutts#

Matt Grayson

I don’t know what’s in May’s heart, but I’m pretty sure it’s not gold....


I would watch the heck out of that movie/tv show. Though that might also encourage the shippers even harder. Quite the dilemma...

Charlotte Grubbs

Having worked in retail, I can tell you there are *definitely* people who find naked mannequins offensive, because they complained to me about it.


If they were Roko's, hed have to. Her new chassis hase nipples