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she like it




Brun is best, so Brun knows best.

Julienne Ignace

Honestly, I've taken a lease on much less than this..... So I understand Bruna here...

Ben C

Yeah depending on how hot the rental market is that place could be gone tomorrow!


Are gray outlet covers and switch plates a thing? Google says yes! Gonna get me some...

Dean Reilly

Why is it that you pay rent to live in an apartment, and then have to pay more money to do laundry?


Because you're sharing that machine with the other tenants in the building. The coin mechanism is just a deterrent to keep you from running 7,000 loads a week, and the landlord gets a couple bucks a month extra. Coin op laundry in an apartment without other tenants is a sign of bad faith from the landlord and you should look elsewhere to live.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

I remember being Brun I didn't have high expectations


I love how the broker tries and ALMOST succeeds to remain professional.


Interesting tidbit about the logistics of robots. I wonder if they rent their own recharge cubicle at all times - like a mini apartment - or if they simply pick one that's free. Is it a subscription service or do they pay for use?

Dylan T

Brun has a bad case of grabby hands


With it just being this apartment and the retired couple upstairs, I'm surprised they have a coin op laundry. Unless the laundry facilities are accessible to the public, two households shouldn't go through much laundry. I lived in a building that had 4 apartments, and they had just a regular washer and dryer in the basement. The maintenance on commercial machines would cost more than what little money they'd bring in from their use.

Some Ed

I expect they have a coin op laundry because there used to be downstairs tenants, too. Reading between the lines, I get the feeling that apart from the old couple, the ex neighbors were a real pain, so the recharging cubicles was a real win-win for the landlord.

Some Ed

My first apartment: Me: "I'll take whichever of your cheapest available apartments you want to rent out the most. I'm pretty tolerant." Sigh

Zach Elwyn

Are we SURE that Clinton and Claire don't have another sibling? Broker lady looks very much like an amalgam of them..


Honestly, they should JUMP on this place now. It looks ideal for them and could be gone if the next viewing party after them decides to take it immediately. Brun is being the smart one here. Can't sleep on renting an apartment in a city where good, affordable apartments are hard to come by.


I have literally never lived anywhere where Brun would not be considered the more sensible party here. Must be nice to be able to sleep on a property in the confidence it'll still be available when you come back.


Spelling error in panel 3 - "cublicles".


Arguably, they *are* the weird neighbors to watch out for.


This is a totally unrealistic apartment! Look at all those electric outlets! no wonder Brun wants it!


Not too surprising if it's been newly remodeled, or built within the past 20 years. I'm not sure what the IBC says on the subject, but the local building code around here requires an outlet every 6 feet.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

our house (built in the '70s) has outlets along the stairs Friend: "Why is that??" Me: "For the vacuum cleaner?" Friend: "oh, makes sense"


Her hair's a different kind of red - closer to brown, while the Augustuses have that real intense red-red. (Also, is she an agent or is she the owner herself? I ask 'cause if her wife's remodeling the place, I assume it's 'cause they own the building together.)


Does it really work like that there - whoever says they want the property first gets it?


Huh. Here, you have to put in a formal application with references and a bunch of intrusive personal information, and the owners/agents review all the applications before deciding.


Nowhere have I seen as many outlets in a small apartment as my east-coast spot in a ~100yr old building. There are outlets everywhere. West coast (previous apts), all my places have had a normal number of outlets. Regional thing?