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elliotttt my BABY


... yeah, I'd probably do that too if I was looking for an apartment. After all, I've chosen an AirBnB purely based on there being a cat in one of the photos.

Kinda Squirrely

Sweet kitty boy is better than cinnamon buns for enticing buyers


I'm surprised we haven't met Moses before. Though I guess we rarely see Elliot out of the bakery or bar.

J. Toufic Chahin

If only my g/f's cat was that loving 😋


Holy Moses.

Dean Reilly

Moses is a busy cat, he has a lot of ankles to rub against. Cadging food from everyone in the building probably also takes up a lot of time.

Eric Lusby

Reminds me of when I was a kid, the day we moved in a cat walked through our door as if to say "okay, I'll take you." Took us a while to accept the fact, our two older cats weren't happy, but she ended up being a great pet with three generations of descendants that were with my family for 20 years.


Yeah, Moses would have sold it for me, too.

Katrina Urmson

Oh Elliot, you are my people.


Now let's not get rediculous here Tyler. How many cinnamon buns? And have you considered the relative cat value of cinnamon brioche?

Andrew Diseker

Now Moses supposes his toeses are roses, But Moses supposes erroneously. Now Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses, As Moses supposes his toeses to be.


The enormous door might have helped convince Elliot too?


Styling is important. I bet the cat is rented.

Jeffrey Nonken

I adopted the Apartment Complex Cat once. Most awesome cat I've ever had. Named him Zonker after the Trudeau character, because he was laid back and cool. He loved car rides -- he even liked going to the vet because, hey, car ride! And then he learned how to catch gophers, and the neighbors started dropping by to thank us because he was wiping out the local infestation.

Jeffrey Nonken

Well, half of them ended up on our doorstep. ...That is to say, of the ones that ended up on our doorstep... half of them were there. :)


You cannot delay on rentals or other people will snap them up! I'm with Brun and Elliot.


Feels like forty years Moses has been wandering around the building


Awww sweet Moses, definitely a good decision. We had a white fluffy cat who belonged to the neighbors around the corner but decided he wanted to live with us most of the winter because we didn't have other cats. He was such a cuddly boy and loved his head scritched.

Andrew Diseker

have you seen the short anime someone made to the song, with a little ghost girl? <a href="https://youtu.be/byAfC5yW_hw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/byAfC5yW_hw</a>


I'm hoping that Moses is now Elliot's cat, because that would be adorable.