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Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- I read the title as he Renee Estate at first!


Brun's face in the last panel is 💯👌💪


As a former closet dweller in *multiple ways* I approve of this comic


Brun gives me "La P'tite vie" vibes right now. My Québécois homies will get this.


Brun will get out of the closet if and when she chose to. Don't push her.

Kyle Major

That's so bender


Oh my god is that a beatmstrJ bathroom reference


Giggled at the bathroom bit. The Something Awful DIY forum is a hell of a place


If there's a moss garden next to the tub, those I-beams might not actually be intact.


The perspective of the first panel made me dizzy. Must be a really high ceiling.


Technically, you can only really call something a "bedroom" if you put a bed in it for sleeping. You'd have to get creative to put a bed that you could sleep on in a closet. Some building codes actually have size specifications for sleeping quarters, so even if you managed to get a bed in the closet, you couldn't "officially" call it a bedroom.


my bedroom literally was a closet for 9 months, it was the best bedroom ive ever had


Brun is *never* wrong.


My bedroom was the laundry room for about a year.

Chuck Dee

Well, I found out that you actually have to have a closet (or something like it) in a room to call it a bedroom when listing it. You don't have to have a bed on the other hand.


But she looks so happy!

Mitchell Sealy

I feel you, Brun. I get pretty light sensitive at times too.

Dylan T

I feel you brun


>_> tfw even your patreon comics remind you how screwed up your San Francisco housing is

Carl Fink

Brun works nights. She (as we have seen) has to sleep in the daytime a lot. And Jeph is a very careful writer and took that into account.


There's a mitch hedberg joke in there


Nice work with the perspective in panel 1.

Summer Sudbrink

Look at all the OUTLETS! It's like pockets in women's clothing!

Gary Walker

Fell asleep before comic dropped last night. Just woke up. Brun, you are my personal hero.

Max S

Okay, this is a longshot, but is that first panel a jab at beatmasterj or is this just a weird timing coincidence?


I've had the shittiest real estate week - and this made me laugh out loud. Thanks, Jeph, I needed that.


Growing up, my best friend’s bedroom was an old closet. Enough space for bed and TV and a stack of books. It never bothered me to hang out there.

Jim Feldman

I've seen wayyyy worse.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I know it's not possible because it's a two-bedroom place, but this would have been hilarious if it turned out to be Marten and Faye's first place... :D

Hugh Eckert

I'm jealous of the kitchen size.


for fire safety, I think most places in the US require bedrooms to have windows

Jeffrey Nonken

Just moving into a 3BR. My daughter gets her pick of the two smaller bedrooms as her primary with the secondary as spillover, though she has to share the space... but, you know. I'm paying the rent. So, yeah, the master BR is about 14x12' (427x366 cm) and the smallest is 10x10' (305x305 cm). Approximately. The middle one is a little larger, didn't get the numbers. I've not seen a bedroom smaller than about 10x10 so I assume it's some kind of minimum requirement. Of course, presumably you not only need room to fit a bed, you need room to open the door afterwards, so it could simply be a practical limitation. But so many things about domiciles are regulated that I wouldn't be surprised if it were an actual requirement.


The minimum is 70 square feet, and it must be at least 7 feet in any direction (so even though 5x14 is 70 sqft it wouldn't count). I actually had a dorm room in college that was 7x10. <a href="https://www.hunker.com/13711464/building-code-requirements-for-bedrooms" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.hunker.com/13711464/building-code-requirements-for-bedrooms</a>


damn. guess that 2x35 spare room I was planning to rent out won't work.

Gary Walker

Brun also has a passionate love for sleep. Which I deeply respect.

Some Ed

What legally counts as a bedroom and what the residents of a place informally consider a bedroom are two very different things, with little bearing on each other. (If you're living in a ground floor loft with floor to ceiling glass walls on two sides, and you sleep in the nude, you are apparently required to sleep in one of the sections behind a curtain, at least in Cambridge, Ma, USA. If only the bathroom and the "bedroom" have curtains, you need to pick one of those. I only know this from vicarious experience.)

Jeffrey Nonken

Sure, you could sleep in a closet if you want. The realtor won't be able to list it as a bedroom. But I get "dark and cozy" being a thing just as much as weighted blankets. Sleep in the closet, use the room for storage. :) Sounds like a plot for a Futurama episode. Oh wait, it is. :)

Captain Button

Umm, how come with all this closet bedroom talk no one has made a Harry Potter reference yet?

Holly Nelson

Also, those two plugs opposite each other on the corner probably are not up to code. A bit of a code nerd here, but it did look peculiar to me.

Holly Nelson

I had friends in college who had a Harry Potter type under the stairs bedroom. They put a plank across the bottom of the little door and the rest of the space inside was filled with a waterbed. Then they had shelves mounted on the underside of the stairs above them. I forget how they lit the space but it was pretty darn Cosy.


Whew, that was a lot of shade thrown at that one guy and his bathroom.


Frankly, all of the outlets look like they're too close to the floor, but we can cut Jeph a little slack.

Jason Zions

Could someone post a link so the clueless (me!!!) can get in on the joke?

Jason Zions

Found it. <a href="https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1004361210387574785.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1004361210387574785.html</a>


Eh, I actually kind of like him. This doesn't stop me from laughing my ass off at this page, of course.


How can it be ground floor <i>and</i> a loft? Those two terms are mutually exclusive. Perhaps you mean a ground floor studio?