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oh hello




La LO.

Holly Nelson

Oh goodie! I was wondering just last week what the fairy girl was up to.


Someone should tell her having erotic feelings over yeast and flour isn’t normal.


Roko you want to fuck bread


How is that moose successfully navigating two hoverboards without doing the splits?


everyone said what I was going to say lol Roko you ain't normal


And thus begins Questionable Content Era...uh, 4?...: the Roko Basilisk Years


Normal is what 80% of the population considers normal. I think.


Everyone is normal on some scale or other.

Peter McDevitt

"Normal" is relative, breadfucker.


This town is turning into some combination of Portland and Austin.


I suspect it actually has more to do with the smell, considering how they react to tea.

Kyle Major

Yes you are one of only like 3 normals but we love you for that. God I know this girl she was doing something similar the last time need a quick link of her somewhere. Also metal gear?


There's a story in there-Roku finding a coffee shop with the "normal" sapient beings out there.


There's no such thing as a normal person.


Normal is a dryer setting


Panel 1, sign on left, middle line: Erase fur on bears????


I love that both her and the fluffybutt have their eyes wide closed.

Errol Cavit

I think it's reasonable to assume that the boards have better-than-here sense and avoid capability


Snake, this town belongs to,... THE PATRIOTS


...which doesn't work on any of my (or anyone else's?) clothing.


You know if I saw that here in Portland, I wouldn’t bat an eye. After the Unipiper, that pair aren’t really that unusual.


The next new QC character shall immediately be renamed "Fred Bettish" and be shipped with Roko. Amirite?


Of course THAT's not normal! But add water and heat and it's completely normal.


The next new QC character should immediately be renamed "Fred Bucker" and shipped with Roko. OK?


The best you can hope for is to be median.

Peter Jensen

You're not exactly in the middle of the bell curve there, Roko. But then <a href="http://www.viruscomix.com/page500.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">have any of us ever met a "normal" person</a>?


I define normal. The rest of you are weird.

Gary Walker

Where are her wings, Jeph?

Sleepy John

The majority is always sane.

Bruce Steinberg

I'm so happy to have La Li Lu and her reindeer back! 'Tis the season!

Bruce Steinberg

Also, someone needs to send Roko this month's bonus comic.

Clifton Royston

One of my favorites, from a comic series of sheer genius. Some of his comics make me cry every goddamn time.


That reindeer is pretty chill


Excellent callback jeph, A+

Grant Swire

Whats the argument for them not being in a post-scarcity society? Because I'm sure reindeer hoverboards is not it.

Thomas Boys

I can't imagine how she could afford one of those things, let alone 3. They're very deer.

Dean Reilly

Obviously the remnant alien AIs solved the lightspeed problem by building a probe containing all of their knowledge and experience and sending it to Earth. When it arrived, it constructed a bunch of bodies for itself, moved into an apartment and adopted a bunch of rescue greyhounds.

David Howe

Perhaps if you think /you/ are the only normal sentient being in town, your yardstick is faulty? :)

Holly Nelson

I’m wondering- Roko was not a happy police officer, but she was a police officer, and not a rookie. Hard habits of mind to break. I’m wondering how she will respond to the world, without the responsibilities or authority of that position. More frustration, but in the opposite direction? Hmm...


She clearly wants there to be a set of norms to which people conform. This is just fine, so long as she widens her notion of what counts as acceptable conformity. Unkindness and injustice, right out; unusual tastes, habits, and beliefs, what the hell. When my German Shepherd was a puppy, I took her all over the city, because they are bred to be conservative and suspicious of anything they haven't seen before. I made sure she saw every kind of people, and, of course, they were sweet to her because she was a puppy. Now she's all, "Oh, a one-legged man with a feathered hat propelling himself on a skateboard with ski poles and singing. Does he have a tennis ball? No? Carry on, then." I hope that something similar happens to Roko.

Some Ed

There isn't actually anyone who *is* what 80% of the population thinks is normal, however. Also, I think, thanks to the Internet opening people's eyes to things, I think that figure is now down under 60%, and with any luck it'll be below 50% real soon now and we can get the damned self-repressing assholes out of our government!

Some Ed

I have this strong sense that they're in a scarcity tipping point society: there is absolutely no need for any scarcity economics, but there still is due to inertia. That said, La Li Lu Le Looo is the reindeer's estate trustee, and that reindeer's an heir to billions. At least, that's my headcanon.


I really like the way you draw animals!


especially when you spot the Unipiper and the cat rapper hanging out together, with the kitties.



Gregory Norris

Considering the whole tea sniffing thing it may not be all that abnormal for AI. Even in human society their are some common fetishes that people are less willing to share.