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Matt Grayson

And the message from the ancient AI remnants: “send more porn”.

drone r0m-3

Uncanine Valley Robotic Pet Adoption. LOL!

Captain Button

I suppose my canned rant about the "dark side" BS would be beside the point.


No nose AND Chibi eyes? Color me intrigued...

Danya Michael

Roko, you're friends with Melon, you can handle this weirdness.


Is the UVRPAA for humanlike AIs to adopt dogs, or for dog AIs to adopt pets that look like humans?


God damn it, I have read that story and can't recall the title or author. It sounds vaguely Asimov, but I don't think he would throw in extraterrestrials. I am getting a vague image of an Ace paperback with a moonscape and large machine on the cover, but I can't make out the title.


Roko's expression in the last panel is complex and charming.

Katrina Urmson

But... Spookybot might answer.

Captain Button

Asimov avoided aliens because John W. Campbell would always want humans to be superior to them somehow.

Bruce Steinberg

Even better, Spookybot might get Pintsize to answer!


Dammit, Beepatrice, you ruined the mood.

Fart Captor

I'm slightly disappointed to realize that they were NOT in fact, holding hands in the first panel because they're too cute

Kyle Major

Ahhhaaha (awkward laugh) she plays that joke so straight she'd be a good comedian

Pavel Curtis

Welp, I think that ship just sank...


Heh! Robot conspiracy theories promises to be something extra


And the ship sank......


Spookybot's attention is not something to be drawn lightly ... although they seem to have a certain affection for Roko.

John Ridley

Hah "Uncanine Valley"


Please make asking spookybot about the moon landing one of our options for the bonus comic next month. :-)


I like how, despite how awkward this whole thing has been for Roko, she's still way happier than she ever was as a cop. I just want her to be happy and integrate with the rest of the cast now! :D

Matt Grayson

Spookybot looks at the moon, sighs, and says "Yep. Simply *covered* in footprints. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get lunar dust out of a silk carpet?"

Dylan T

They're ralking about spookybot, right?