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Lord Crusade

Omg so fucking cute



Alex Mullenix

1/2 of the town is employed at a cafe, bakery, or library.

Scott Vogel

Its a bread based economy in QC Mass.

Chris Gallaty

Someone is about to become a fox in the hen house...


Elliot is so cute, I want Clinton to figure out the super obvious hints he was dropping already. Arghablyfdhkkyfgnkosssrfg

Celine Chamberlin

Damn it, Jeph, now I've expanded the Elliot/Brun/Clinton shipping trio to include Roko in my ship-happy head. I'm also trying to figure out how to include Beepatrice in there somewhere. I mean, Clinton might be interested in her AI-base conspiracy theories and Brun would listen and nod in a serious manner and, and... WHEN WILL IT END?!


Rokoliot? Elioko? C'mon, help me here.


I love this! :) #breadtimez ;p Why isn't Roko's text rectangular?

Jennifer Doyle

I feel the same way Elliot does - I bake bread at least once a week, and it's super satisfying.


Raindeer Parking


I really need to see Roko let down her walls and just be open with someone. She's got all these expectations in her head preventing her from just being herself.

Peter Jensen

We may not know the <b>when</b>, but we know <a href="https://imgur.com/woy7cJR" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">the <b>how</b></a>!


Oh dear god... Lets see... Clinton. Check. Brun. Check. Roko. Check. Elliot. Check. There be some SERIOUS shipping ahead. My vote for the successful ship'O'theweek(Tm)? Pintsize and Droid 06, the incredible 6Pint!


ElRoko. Simple. It's when you add in more than two that it's gonna be a headache...


By the way, Jeph? Thank you. I was down and morose, and now, well... I am a happy man. :)

Gary Walker

Dang. Now I want to bake bread and it'll be this weekend before I have time.

Clifton Royston

It's a good thing I baked bread yesterday or I'd be jonesing now. (Multigrain w/ seeds, from a rye sourdough starter)


Wait, why does a fairy need bread? Wait, why wouldn't a fairy need bread?


And all of a sudden I heard "Hello Roko" in the "Hello Moto" voice...

Morgan V

I want to know what it says on those doors. They look like bathrooms, but that's not standard bathroom text. Anyone remember seeing it in previous strips? (Also the signs turn blue in the third frame.)

Dean Reilly

In twenty years time, Roko and Elliot will face off in an epic baguette lightsaber duel.

Kaylynn Sabik

My guess is "Employees Only" and "Restroom" (single use restroom, like in the CoD)


Can't say why but I like the absence of the question mark in the last panel.


I miss baking bread *sigh*


Wait, why is Roko's speech box rounded!!???


love the conversation. exactly how I felt about brewing beer.

Holly Nelson

A perfect second job for Roko. And no shipping required, except insofar as one “ships” a craft. (Which can be far more of a ship than dating, however yummy dating might be.)




Oh no