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Nicholas Lopez

YES, MORE! PLEASE! I love Brun. <3

Peter McDevitt

I smell shenanigans a-brewing...

Fart Captor

This is three different kinds of cute


*steeples fingers* "excellent"...


Nice and smells good; what more could you want from a potential romantic partner?


Panel three Mrs. A is the cutest.


Mrs. A seems to want her kids to get paired-off ASAP, using Baked Goods as a tactical weapon (pancakes for Marten, cookies for Brun). Seems to be working...


You can see where Claire gets it from.


I think I love Brun as much as I love Bubbles.

Dylan T

If this goes on Clinton will turn pinker than Winslow.

Chris Heg

Mom's eyes are remarkably not red. Must be the Visine.


I have (once) seen somebody so wasted that their eyes were bright red. That's a disturbing image.]


Brun might have a bread fetish. (I'll hunt the link up if possible.) If that's the case, and we introduce her to ROKO, will they make hot cross buns? Ahh, a link. One of several... <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3288" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3288</a>


My first thought, exactly. I knew I could rely on you, great internet.

Ben Russell-Gough

I can't deny that Brun. It IS more complex and has several unwritten and non-universal (and sometimes contradictory) social rules associated with it. Mrs A now seems to be interpreting most of those rules in the way that best suits her!

Ben Russell-Gough

An understanding of romantic interaction beyond 'creeps hitting on me' would probably help.

Rudolph Gerber

In a way that increases the odds of her having grandchildren - that would be pretty standard :D

Ben Russell-Gough

I think that you could write a whole essay about the subtext of what Brun really meant by saying: "Clinton... is nice."


I wanna see the baby pictures

Celine Chamberlin

Jeph, if you happen to see this, I am so sorry about Shelby. It was obvious how much you loved her.


So sorry to hear about Shelby... pets just do not live long enough


I wish there were a "sad" emote. But Shelby had a long life and was deeply loved. :(

J. Toufic Chahin

So sorry about Shelby Jeph, my condolences for your loss, hang in there!

Tom Cavnar

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Jeph. Shelby was a lucky dog to have such loving kind humans in her life.

Matthew Harris

RIP Shebly. She's one of God's Doggy Army now, ready to storm the earth in their trillions during the apocalypse


You were a good dad to Shelby. She was lucky to have you.The holes they leave in our hearts when they die last a long, long time. I think that's a good thing.

Everett Bradshaw

Shelby had a good life with a loving dog dad, you were both lucky to have one another. Losing a furry companion hurts like hell for a while, but the love and memories left behind last a lifetime. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I think everyone who matters won't mind if you need some time to get through this.


Shelby was a Good Dog.


So sorry for your loss!


Just read about Shelby - very sorry Jeph :(