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Cody Renton

She's not even high anymore, this is just what she's like

Will Weaver

The funny thing is I’m 99% sure Ms. Augustus knows what both of those phrases mean considering certain past events.

Nicholas Lopez

I think Clinton has had to deal with enough shit lately. I still love his mom though. <3


He can hear the quotation marks? I need to know this trick his mom knows.

Gary Walker

'cock' 'block'


I want to know what the last word of that blue sign behind them is.


DJ Jazzy Jeff &amp; The Fresh Prince reference! Woot! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW3PFC86UNI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW3PFC86UNI</a>


"Did you remember your K-" What could it be? Ketamine? Kangaroo Slippers? Keytar?

Celine Chamberlin

KITE. Nobody should leave home without one.


*rushes out* “Brun come back, the clock is running slow again! I’m off to fetch the clocksmith, can you hand-wind it with Clinton please?”


I just removed the ell from each "clock" in your comment, Andrew. Does it read better?


It's in the emphasis of the words. Almost Shatner-esque but not as sharp. It's how you pause and then speak. "Oh no! Were you hoping to ... hook up ... with her? Did I ... cock block ... you?" Basically, "hearing" the quotation marks, is all about the ellipses use in speech. Does that help?


omg I am dying here

Dean Reilly

You were meant to hear the quotation marks, Clinton. How else is your mother supposed to show you how 'cool' and 'hip' she is?

Landy K Hayes

that face he has at the end is priceless.


Is that really what makes that so Disturbing, Clinton?

Ben Russell-Gough

Yeah, Clinton, it's true: Claire DOES get it from her.


This storyline. I love it. Sorry to hear about Shelby, though. :'-(

Carl Fink

I like the way half-drunk Clinton is perfectly capable of keeping up his end of the witty banter, actually. One-sided witty banter can feel mean-spirited after a while.


Properly did an awkward laugh and went "oh my godddd".


Next morning: "Cliiiinton, Brun is here for coooookies"

Ben Russell-Gough

Bonus points to those who noticed the picture of younger Claire and Clinton in panel 1!

Patrick Jackson

At least she's using the youth-speak correctly.

Gary Walker

Not that much younger, as Ms. Augustus supports Claire and wouldn't have a pre-transition photo of her up in the house, methinks.


I... I guess there's a world before you've contemplated your mother saying that to you and a world after, and there's no going back.