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Erin Moriarty

Oh my god she needs to meet Marten's mom

Will Weaver

You know, she and Brun could have a conversation about adopting many dogs.

Will Weaver

And yes, Jeph, Ms. Augustus is cuter. I can’t say that too loud, though, she might hear me.

David Days

...now I can't get Bowling for Soup lyrics out of my head...


I think this is my favorite one in a long while


Brun is bonding with the clock? or on the invisible side of the table?

Cody Renton

Clinton's mom is my new favorite character


Dora's parents? Now Clinton's too? QC parents smoke so much weed!


Among my friends it’s all of our parents that smoke pot (for various reasons, including medical), none of us do. I’m slightly older than most of the characters, but the scenario seems pretty spot on.


Is that meant to be crumbs on her face, age lines, or she sporting a lil mo there?


She should adopt all the dogs.

Drakoo Dreamer

Clinton's mom is totes a babe now


I love her


Yes, you did make her cuter, Jeph.


I think I'm right in Mrs. Augustus's age range. And she is adorable.


Actually if you read Octopus Pie, you'll see that baking while baked can be a successful business strategy.


Can I make a bad, NSFW joke? Can I? Please? "I'd like some MILF with my cookies!"


What if all problems are secretly in P and we just don't know it yet? Wait... That's an actual dilemma, carry on.


You were in such a hurry to find out if you could, you didn't stop to think if you should. I think, from a results-oriented perspective, the answer is yes, you should definitely have made that joke.


The pout pose is the best.

Brent Catherman

Well now we know why she was up so late.

Jacob Crux

Can I just point out that one flick of Clinton’s hair that has been rebelling for the last few pages .. it’s adorable

Ben Russell-Gough

When you're stoned (or drunk) bad ideas seem like good ideas. It's why you should never make irreversible decisions whilst under the influence of intoxicants. When you think about it, a surprisingly large number of decisions are irreversible under the right circumstances.

Thomas Boys

Dogs - they're good

Ben Russell-Gough

Just throwing this out there: Maybe Mrs A, Marten's mother and Jim (the owner of The Secret Bakery) have been having a torrid triangular relationship as part of Mrs A's desire to 'have fun', just to maximise Marten and Claire's trauma.

David Paul

One Shelby would make a fine doona. Many Shelbys would fill the entirety of the house.


I want to play snugglebunnies with Clinton's mom :-)

Am Queue

My mom should have smoked pot. Would have been better than the cigarettes.


The ultimate conclusion for many conversations should really be, "I should adopt many dogs."


Im kinda really into Clintons mom now is that wierd.


Oh man i've had the same high thoughts as Clintons mom ahahaha

Everett Bradshaw

She must not have smoked much, her eyes aren't bloodshot. I'd also like to jump on the Clinton's mom is a MILF bandwagon, is there enough room?

Gary Walker

Now shipping Elliot and Clinton's mom.

Emma Humphries

I feel called out by Clinton's mom in the fourth panel.

Clifton Royston

Still admiring "No! Maybe. A little. Some. Yes."