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mmmm night cookies




I’ve baked a night cookie or two, in my life.


I love how Brun asks for permission before looking at the clock.


Clinton's mum is the best.


Have a 🍪

Cody Renton

Just be glad you didn't walk in on her with a classmate again, Clinton

Will Weaver

Ms. Augustus is the best mom. At least, when she isn’t sleeping with Clinton’s ex-roommates.

Brad Knowles

Yeah, he's had "too much beers tonight", alright. ;)

Nicholas Lopez

I need to know where this is going right now.

Brad Knowles

Jeph -- if that's not an intentional slip, then I would definitely leave it in. That is totally the kind of language faux pas that I might make, under those circumstances.


For years I dealt with my insomnia by teaching myself how to bake. Past midnight baking is the best.


Clearly Clinton is going to explain his non relationship with Brun and Mrs Augustus will tell him "That's nice dear"

Summer Sudbrink

The grandfather clock lets her know when family members are in mortal peril.


Well it's rude to just go and stare at someone's clock. I'm sure she's learned that by now.

Captain Button

Midnight cookies: She knows because she has the weirding way.


We don't know what was going on before Clinton and Brun arrived. Making cookies is a great way to recover from bass guitar practice and bonking.


Why is Brun's jacket a different color in the last panel?

Alice Bentley

Peggy, that's the hoodie under her jacket.


I am a diabetic. Chocolate chip cookies are currently my favorite food. I am forced to spend the rest of my life seeking vengeance on Jeph for this comic making me think about them.


Given her surprise that it was Clinton at the door, I think she’s expecting company — presumably the person she was planning to share the cookies with.


I’m chocoholic. The “Dad stop stealing my chocolate!” Kind of chocoholic. I want chocolate so bad right now. But it’s 5 o’grandfather clock here and I have 2 long hours till I can buy some.

Gary Walker

Clinton's mom is making cookies at 1am...because she is totally high right now.


It looks like that was what was under her outer jacket.


If night baking takes place, someone is either a) drunk; b) high; or c) both.


Also, the path to a person's heart runs through their stomach. Might be doubly true in Brun's case (because she has two; the normal one, and a separate one for dessert.)


How did Clinton reach the door-knocker all the way from the bottom of the steps? I MUST KNOW!

Everett Bradshaw

Clinton's mom is one of my favorite side characters because of all awesome stuff she's doing every time she shows up.


I'm baking some fine green butter cookies.

Paul Grodt

Granted, I'm odd, but more than half of the cookies I bake, I start at least after midnight. I find it is a good use of my time when the insomnia has clearly kicked in.


By the time you eat this cookie you'll feel right as rain.

Minzoku Bokumetsu

Why would you NOT bake cookies at 1 am??!

Brent Catherman

Clinton? Would you prefer your mother be engaged in other activities if you visit her unexpectedly at night?

Raymond Jasinski

Am I the only one who thinks that Clinton and Claire's mom looks way too much like Clair? Add to that never seeing a dad, and I'm starting to suspect cloning. Think about it, complications in her first attempt to artificially sculpt a Y-chromosome result in Claire's Gender dysphoria. A lesson learned and a few more years research, and voila! we get Clinton. (I'm pretty sure the Nerdity and Social awkwardness they both share to varying degrees comes from somewhere further up on mom's Chromosome chart)

Dylan T

why wouldnt she be making cookies at 1am. When do you make cookies, clinton?


That is way too much thinking on your part, but it would make an awesome story arc...

Ben Russell-Gough

Brun in panel 3: "Did she say 'cookies'?" She was making cookies at 1am because her mom sense told her that Clinton would be by with a girl who, but for a little denial, could be his girlfriend. Time for some patented Mrs A interference!

Ben Russell-Gough

Mrs A's Mom Sense told her that Clinton was on the way with a girl that he needed to impress without knowing it. She knew instinctively when he arrived at the door. She's Supermom!

Ben Russell-Gough

No, it's more likely that she's going to steamroll over his claim that he and Brun are not in a relationship and the two of them are going to end up in a compromising position that they can only muddle through.

Ben Russell-Gough

The way to Brun's heart is through rare and elaborate clocks and it seems like Mrs A has that covered!


I mostly bake my cookies post or around midnight. You get fresh, chewey cookies in the morning!


Brun knows how best to eat cookies. Always take 2, since 1 will never be enough, you don’t know if you’ll be offered more, and you have 2 hands so why not.


Too much beers. Been there, drunk that. :)


I'm sure they're supposed to be wrinkles, but it looks like Clinton's mum has a moustache.

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm wondering if her over-bite is more pronounced than Clinton and Claire's and that's the mark of her upper mandible pressing against her top lip.

Ben Russell-Gough

I think that a better way for Clinton to have asked that question would have been: "Do I want to know why you were baking cookies at 1am?"


Personally, I do my best baking between 1 and 3 AM...

John Ridley

"cookies" - Brun's eyes go BOING.


Brun stays over and Elliot misunderstands what happens...NEXT. haha