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Classic QC: 500 words about maybe being horny




You. Are. Killing. Me.

Alcaria Swain

There's no maybe, Jeph

Lord Crusade


Fart Captor

SOMEBODY needs to smooch. I don't care who anymore


Aaaaaaaaaaa *head explodes*

Gary Walker

Full disclosure: I'm straight as hell but I feel like jumping on board the Elliot/Clinton ship. What are you all calling that now?


I dunno if there's an 'official' one, but Clelliot seems to be the obvious choice.

Jonathan Bruder

Okay, this is my favorite strip in like, three long whiles. And as someone who is about to drop a gender bomb I _still_ really appreciate how you handle Claire. But seriously, please only one torture ship at a time.

Jonathan Bruder

Also, I propose "Elton" for this ship.


Eliot is a professional.


Oy vey.

David Paul

Jeph is serious about his shipping business, and is deploying rapidly. Unfortunately, his mentors have been <a href="https://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-history/10-famous-shipwrecks-in-the-world/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">less than successful</a>.


all three of them just need to like... date? no one loses.


It would fit to put all 3 into a poly love fest it fits the personalities and Jeph's general bent so I second this.

Nicholas Lopez

Clinton, how are you this oblivious? Elliot is throwing you all the signs! D:


Dead. I'm dead. My ships are dead. It's all dead.

Freya Thurell

At this moment Clinton's hot meter and 'good guy' hotness are really off the charts


Poly ship poly ship poly ship poly ship


Okay, so if it turns out they're into each other (and it's hinting that way) and they're both into Brun, and she's into them (as much as she can be into anyone) then ... stable triangle? Woooo!


Eh. I don't think 'stable relationship' is really in this webcomic's wheelhouse.

Brent Catherman

That's probably a good term for someone so drunk they forgot they need to urinate.


Elliot is the best. I love that he's encouraging Clinton to stop and go home and sober up before doing anything, too many dudes wouldn't.



Ben Russell-Gough

Well, I think that this wraps up this bit of this arc. Clinton has established that he is reluctant to make a move on Brun for his own reasons and (much like Marten before him) has said that he isn't automatically against having a gay relationship. I doubt that there's anywhere to take this further forward immediately. Also, I'm adding 'pisstracted' to my personal lexicon.


I cannot properly express how much I love these two. I'd love a poly relationship involving Brun, but just the two of them together is great, too. I just want these sweet boys to be happy.


Pisstracted. PISSTRACTED. This is forever set in my vocabulary. This happens to me ALL the time.

Ben Russell-Gough

It suddenly occurs to me that the obvious wrench that Jeph can throw in this particular machine is to have Clinton run into Emily or Roko on the way home and have a drunken one-night stand.


Pisstracted defiantly needs to enter the popular lexicon somehow.

Unanimous D

I feel like he's drinking the same kool aid Faye is. Romantically oblivious flavor, with no added sugar.


Conversely, I feel like Clinton is going to get home, take two steps inside, then yell "ELLIOT HAS A CRUSH ON ME."

Jacob Crux

As someone who’s worked as a bouncer. I’m more than happy to send people home when they reach that tipping point of a night being good - to a night that’s only gonna end in trouble

Paul Grodt

My first time genuinely under the influence experience was at age 20 (and a half). My bladder called out and I responded to it. I came out of the bathroom and said to my new friends who had been drinking long before this, "Guys, have you tried peeing while drunk!?! It's amazing!!! You put your hand up and you lean against the wall, and it is just the most satisfying thing ever!!!" And because of booze, and new-to-booze, it felt like such a revelation to me. But they were all immediately like, "Yes, we know, we've all been there, multiple time."

Brad Knowles

In real life, it would be more like Pintsize. Because Pintsize is totally okay with taking advantage of someone while they're drunk. But I doubt Jeph would go quite that far.

Boots McGoot

now kiiisssss. Well sober up and maybe have a conversation about things and then kiiisssss.


Okay, new favorite top three guy pairings: 1. Bitty &amp; Jack (Check, Please!) 2. Clinton &amp; Elliott, Brun optional 3. Dan &amp; Ethan (Dumbing of Age)

Gemma Hentsch

Are you trying to overload us with shipwishing?


I love that pun way more than anyone should.

J.M. Hall

pisstracted is one of those words you never knew you needed until you hear it.

Peter Jensen

I have to admit, I had a moment of panic when I read "Classic QC: 500" before the image loaded, in my early morning sleepy state. Immediately thought of that first major ship sinking ... of course, then I read the rest and the comic loaded, and now I'm cautiously optimistic.

Daryl Sawyer

I just realized this ship is a male mirror of Faybles. Main difference is Bubbles has occasionally slipped up and been slightly honest with Faye about her feelings for Faye, specifically, while Elliot is being open about his feelings about *someone* (who is standing right in front of him), but not being specific about who.

David Howe

I love the word "pisstracted" but doubt I can work it into casual conversation :)


Thank you for this story line.


"Always figured I was straight." Oh, Clinton, you beautiful dufus.


Jeph, you really knocked it out of the park with facial expressions body language here, especially Clinton. I can tell he's drunk without even reading the dialog, because he not that physically expressive while sober.


Elliot's lack of subtlety is amazingly relatable, because that is essentially how I feel when flirting with other dudes-who-like-dudes


Me before this strip: Clinton and Brun 4-EVA! Nobody can come between them! Me now: .....fuck.

Holly Nelson

“Pisstracted” — not just for young, drunk people. Speaking as an older lady, one is pisstracted when the first thing you do on entering a store is go find the washroom. Cannot shop when you need to pee. Surprisingly common, 10-60% (!) of older ladies have this problem, so if you’re a store owner, keep in mind that a lack of bathroom facilities can keep customers from visiting, though they will almost never tell you that. /end Public Service Announcement, return to your regularly scheduled ‘shipping. <a href="https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/bladder-control-problems-women" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/bladder-control-problems-women</a>


There is a reason for this. A good reason. An understandable reason. Jeph is EBIL! EBIL! EBIL, I tells you!


Or at LEAST hug... Somebody in this page needs to at LEAST enter the hug zone. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3578" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3578</a>


So, um, has anyone done any Elliton fan art? I need it for reasons...

LJ (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-11 03:49:22 Aww, Elliot &lt;3
2018-04-02 15:39:05 Aww, Elliot <3

Aww, Elliot <3