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Will Weaver

Does Melon just carry around dead animals for times like this?

Cody Renton

I mean, it's not like it matters that it's unhygenic, they are robots

Fart Captor

Melon is so considerate 😊

Denise Webber

Oh Melon, no just no! Having someone do a kinky thing you like out of pity is just soooo not sexy.

Shawn K. Younkin

Wouldn't that make it "poopernickel"?


I definitely get a sibling vibe from these two.


Friends with pan-efits.


Ok. Jeph, Alice Grove is ended, and you need to think of a new replacement... Well, have I got an idea for YOU! Melon / Roko! Yes! Melon and Roko in their very own comic! The internet might not survive...


I dunno, she could rub bread on MY tush out of pity and I guarantee I'd feel... nauseous...


Ooh she's a cutie out of uniform!

Kenneth Carlile

Hmm... they have the same eyes!


Fjound. I don't get it but I like it.

Mark Metzler

That is the dirtiest thing you've written in a while. :P

Alex Mullenix

Melon! Jeph's friend Ryan North is NOT going to be happy with you.

Kyle Major

OMG she does like bread play, just not toast play

Gary Walker

Robots in activewear!

Gary Walker

Also, this really flies in the face (pun intended, do not judge me) of the whole robots sniffing tea with their delicate olfactory organs thing. Just sayin'.


Does Melon have the same chassis as May, and if yes, am I the last person to notice it?


I think we can write that off as Melon being insane. I mean her daily job is apparently going into a dark room and letting bugs crawl all over her body. At least, I believe that's her job.

Dylan T



What The Hell, Melon

Fart Captor

I want Melon and Emily to meet (and then possibly smooch, idk)


Socially appropriate cry of horror!

Brent Catherman

Roko reminds me of Gene from Wet Hot American Summer so I guess that makes Melon her talking can of mixed vegetables.


I'm horrified... and yet strangely aroused. Thank you SO MUCH for that, Jeph. :P


Good thing things didn't get weird or anything


Dat April 1st strip tho

Paul Grodt

Jeph has been hitting them out of the PARK lately. These past couple weeks have felt like the times of my favorite comics in this series. I love it.

Ben Russell-Gough

Interesting! So Roko has told Melon about her kink and, being Melon, she's trying to be helpful... despite her disturbing fixation with post-living biomatter. Roko, some advice: Go out in your exercise clothes and I think that you won't lack for approaches. Mostly from creeps but, hey!

Ben Russell-Gough

I think that those two together in one room would be one of the 'divide by zero' things. Reality would just be unable to survive!

Ben Russell-Gough

She used to have a different head module with pink dome covers over her audio sensors. Either she's changed her head (not unlikely for Mel) or she just had the sensor covers swapped out for more human-looking ones. Now it looks a lot more like May's.

Zach Elwyn

Which raises the question.. Why exercise clothes at all, since presumably AIs don't sweat or gain any benefit from the exertion...


Going out on a limb here, but... exercise clothes are comfortable, allow freedom of movement and are resistant to wear and tear. Combined with AIs not needing to wash clothes as often as people, and they make for very efficient clothing.

Cole Blackblood

I love how everyone is chill about Roko's kink - makes me happy to see people just go "yeah, that's neat - WHAT ABOUT THIS OTHER THING?!". Also I love these two XD

William Burns

There may have been an article. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3566" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3566</a>


I think what I'd be more interested in knowing is what Pintsize did wrong that made it not do anything for her. Do you think it was because he BURNT the toast?


he was shooting it at her, not rubbing it on her butt.


You're supposed to wait until the third date to rub toast on your special friend's butt. Pintsize just went for it without asking. If he had been patient and gotten consent, imagine the fun they could have had!


She just didn't like that he didn't use lube. He should've buttered the toast first.