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Hannelore is becoming more powerful



Will Weaver

But wait, there’s nothing actually in Hannelore’s nose...


Winslow keeps getting cuter!


There is a small ring. Compare panel 2 to 4, it's basically the same angle, and you can see an extra small ring in her nose in #4

Nicki Faulk

Hanners you are cute regardless, but I *do* love the tiny ring! :)

Captain Button

I remember when rock was young.


My dyslexia kicked in and I spent longer than I'd like to admit trying to figure out what kind of cutter Winslow was.


Way to go Hanners


Heh. My wife worked as a VP at an extremely conservative software company. One day, she glued a jewel to her nose to look like a stud. The top brass were freaking out till she reminded them of the date: April 1.




As long as it's not tapir wrestling


Is that Danielle?


She could wrestle a croc egg. Then make an omelette.

Cody Renton

"Conservative software company," in the age of Google and Tesla and whatnot, feels kind of like "Amish hacker" or "hippy terrorist"


"Ogay" is, coincidentally, what I call myself whenever I see Hannelore being cute

Peter Jensen

<a href="https://twitter.com/dcorsetto/status/977040419895828480" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">The resemblance is striking</a>.

Mitchell Sealy

I don't understand what she did here.

James Redekop

It's kinda subtle in the art, but she got a little nose piercing. You can see the ring if you look closely in the last panel.


So when is Hanners going on her date with that cute baby tapir? :)

Akashimo Hakubi

WTB tickets to Hanners vs Croc!

Denise Webber

Awww, Winslow is so cute when he's worried.

Gary Walker

And now, the creeping horror which is asymmetry.

Hugh Eckert

I recognize the look in her eyes in panel 4. That's the "high on endorphins after a body mod" look. I've seen it many times... in the mirror...


Hannelore does in fact look cute!


I need a "Yes it will hurt" shirt plz.

Ben Russell-Gough

Wait, /crocodile wrestling/? Okay, now things are going completely beyond the funny into the terrifying. Hannelore, I've got some bad news for you: Whatever you do is going to be cute so it's impossible to tell objectively whether something is going to be okay based on that metric.

Ben Russell-Gough

Agreed; you could do an entire separate arc about her working through her bucket list, couldn't you?

Thomas Boys

Next bonus strip needs to be Hanners and the Croc, which sounds like some kind of 70s sitcom as I type it.


She'll be wrestling half a pair of clogs. What's to worry?

Daryl Sawyer

But... she's already very powerful. Will science Go To Far??? :o

Philip D Jones

I actually got to touch an alligator once. Not wrestle, just touch. It was not what I expected. Felt kind of like a handbag.

Clifton Royston

Love the little beads of sweat in the last panel.


What did she pierce?


She got a ring in her nostril. It was hard to see at first, but compare the second and last panel to see how her nose is drawn with and without.

Brent Catherman

She never had a problem with getting her ears pierced so snot about blood.


Yea, that was confusing at first.. I though maybe Jeph forgot to draw it, but it is really nice and subtle. I really love where Hanners has been going lately.

Joshua Roberts

It's asymmetrical. She's always had a problem with unevenness and it's empowering for her to do it.

Brent Catherman

Her hair is asymmetrical, but maybe that doesn't bother her as long as she can pull it back into a pony tail.

marcus erronius

She totally had a problem with piercing her ears. But she did it anyway, for the same reason she just got her nose pierced.

Keith Rohrer

"Crocodile wrestling " takes on new possibilities with the new Loki show...