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I'm mean to Elliot




Noooo! Poor Elliot!

Alcaria Swain

I just want Clinton to fuck everybody, I guess.

Nicholas Lopez

I need more Brun in my life. I need that adorable floof.

JPMK! {verb}

I was saying this in my head, then saw it echoed in your comment! Noooooooo D:


Ah, Brun. You have no idea what you are doing to the people around you and we love you for it <3


That look in panel two tells me she knows, if only subconsciously.

Sara Grace


Jared Counts

Well, that last panel nearly killed me. I ded

Drakoo Dreamer

Brun would be the dom In any relationship

Celine Chamberlin

Wait, Elliot! Make it a three-way smellathon! Please!


Poor Elliot. Poor Clinton. Brun, though... She's happy as a clam. (Er, IS a clam happy? How could we tell? Do the AI's know?)


It's really hard not to imagine the doujins.


All this flirty non-flirting is great and all, but CLINTON STILL NEEDS TO PEE!


Buy the same things. You can't trust different things. (On a t-shirt? I don't buy them, so don't get what makes people buy them, but seems reasonable.)


When used as a t-shirt slogan it might come off as a little too racially motivated.

Daryl Sawyer

This raises a question for me. Has there ever been a bisexual harem anime?


Raise your hand, if you're SECURITY!

Joseph H.

Brun is Fun.


Oh so NOW you don't want to upset Elliot, even when Brun has her face in your face? Don't play both sides Clin-ton

Brent Catherman

If only that cop with a bread fetish were still around to comfort him.


Good call, Elliot

Dylan T

You *are* mean to elliot


If only Clinton had blushed a little more, he would have blended into the wall.


Roko doesn't know about Elliot's bread capabilities. If she finds out... Look out..


This is hilarious. And I know the general consensus seems to be that Brun's real name is Oblivibrun, but I disagree. Mind, if Jeph disagrees with me, then I will admit I'm wrong. Otherwise?

Ben Russell-Gough

Called it. Seriously, I knew that Brun's innocent lack of boundaries and Elliott's insecurities would do the whole thing for us!

Ben Russell-Gough

She is going to call Elliott back and insist that Clinton and her smell him as a 'control sample' or something, isn't she?

Ben Russell-Gough

You know that Brun will come into the restroom with him because she wants to continue the conversation.


I want a hug from Elliott.

Gillian Brown

Yes you are mean to Elliot. Poor guy. :P

Dancing on the Edge of Sanity

It smells like Cartoon Planet! Hey, I played the f- out of Space Ghost's Musical Bar-B-Que.


Brun did, and could probably clear a room at the moment, does that count?


I thought he was gay or am I wrong?


darnit I'm dumb, I was too focused on Brun and forgot about that , thanks!

Liz Hesser

He's also crushing on Brun though, so this is a double whamy -- OR -- a great intro to a 3 sailed ship.

Jon Pio

The Smell of Soft Boy

Fart Captor

Clinton is "open minded." Elliott admitted that he's also into dudes to Renee a while back


Bisexual, guys, the word is bisexual. Elliot is a bisexual man, who's bisexual, because he's attracted to more than one gender, due to his bisexuality.


Another threesome ship for me to sail!


Who you're really mean to is Clinton... he's the one fearing for his life... ;)


safe to assume most of us know this since we read this comic. I just forgot about the clinton connection when I asked

David Paul

Poor Elliot. He has lost in love thrice now. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2022" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">First was Padma</a>, now he sees <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3345" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Brun</a> and <a href="http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Clinton</a> getting pretty damn close. You'll win one day, Elliot. Don't stop being that lovable marshmallow, dude!


Hey guys, Polyamory is a real thing. It would be a great addition to the comic and it opens the window for everyone to communicate honestly with one another. The basis is that all parties involved dig and respect one another...I see this ship's potential for such beauty.


Okay now as much as I love marshmallow dude, It's time for Elliot to be up front with his feelings and not assume he is on the awkward end. Self-confident Elliot in 2018!

Chris Gallaty

"Scent of a Whoa, Man!"