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Cody Renton

Well now we need to see Roko's profile to see how on earth they matched


Did Roko not look at his profile & just assume a match was ok or what? Is shooting bread some sort of euphemism she misinterpreted? More questions raised than answered as always *sigh*

Michael Booth

Thank Dog for Google. Greek history was brain dumped long ago...


No wonder Roko had a horrible time! He was shooting toast at her front!


Never mind- I had misread it as "I want to shoot toast at your butt" butts butts butts


Maybe Roko thought it was an euphemism.


I still hope Pintsize will hook up with the "I make bread fun", dude. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1999" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1999</a>


After all the feels between Faye and Bubbles recently, this got me wondering. Are there dating sites for human/AI couples in the QC-verse? Is it common practice to state whether you're a human or a machine, alongside the gender and sexuality options we normally have? Given how normal AI lifestyles seem to be in this universe, I can only imagine they would be pretty common.


Pretty sure that toaster was actually his wing-man on the date :P


Sigh. I'm so ship-wrecked that I'm even hoping Pintsize finds someone. At this point, I'm willing to ship almost anything. (Yes, Jeph, I can hear your maniacal chuckling from thousands of miles away.)


That tshirt is perfect for Claire :)


Keyword match on “I want to at shoot your body and make a toast”?


I love Faye's reaction in that last panel. Made me cackle.

Ben Russell-Gough

So, I think we have it confirmed that Roko probably swiped on this one whilst drunk or as a dare. I wonder which it was?

Unanimous D

You know what they say . . . .

Ben Russell-Gough

I'd say the answer is 'yes' (on the grounds that the Internet has EVERYTHING if yo utry to look). However, I suspect that both humans and AIs consider them non-mainstream. Basically, cross-species in this manner still has an aspect of taboo for most.

Ben Russell-Gough

Possible shock outcome - Roko becomes a primary cast member as Pintsize's girlfriend.

Thomas Boys

One day Pintsize will find a girl. They will go out to a fine restaurant, they will have a mutually enjoyable evening of conversation, laughter and projectile grilled bread products. After being forced to tidy up by a furious restaurant owner, they'll lean toward each other, glasses lifted...and toast.

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm wondering if Roko will become the Clarice Starling to Pintsize's Hannbal Lecter, only with the public misuse of bread products rather than murder and the like.

Gary Walker

Prediction: Faye will misguidedly attempt to set up Roko and Bubs.


Slow clap for Claire for that pun. Excellent. Beautiful. I love it.

Will Weaver

I have a feeling you’re right, although I also have a feeling that storyline might end with Faye finally getting hit by a clue bat.

Will Weaver

Oh Claire...and I love that shirt, it’s perfect for her.


Claire gives the best puns.

Chris Gallaty

Claire clearly has a bad case of Silly-ac Disease...

Charlie Sutton

The hell does beucephalus mean? Is it a reference to Alexander the Great's horse?