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Hey folks, sorry I haven't done last month's bonus comic yet! Throwing my back out completely ruined my work schedule for the past two weeks and I'm only just now digging myself out of that hole. So I'll try and do two bonus comics this month! Here's the poll for the first one!





i fear we might never see poor melon again

Thomas Boys

I'm guessing the Pintsize pornography will something utterly depraved like "Red Hot Toasters" or "Grills Gone Wild".


Your back is more important than the bonus comic. Please try to relax it as much as possible, maybe get some more Shelby cuddles while you're at it.

Kyle Major

oh man hope your back will be better soon, stay healthy Sir


hannelore and pintsize


That's a pretty difficult choice...


Again, I can see all three of these working together in the same strip.

David Days

But...but...I want them all!


Your back is more important than my delayed gratification :) i hope it improves quickly. Melon is so lovely I want her to confront mortality only in terms of reading an article about the Australian outbreak, and Hammers is already so courageous. Pint-size, however, is always fair game. Thank you for amazing comics!


I was hoping for more Melon and Steve adventures.


i miss hanners :(


All great options. But can't say no to Hannelore

Ben Russell-Gough

HANNERS: "Focus, Hannelore! FOCUS! YOU! MUST! DO! THIS!" -- Presses unhygienic elevator call button and then starts jumping around and waving her hand whilst screeching about 'cooties, germs and cootie germs'.


I would move from $1 to $5 supporter (I know, it's not much) to see all 3 in the same strip.


Look after yourself, but I would also look at the way Scott Adams does his workflow. I think you can read more elsewhere, but if I recall correctly, he aims to do more than one piece per day so that he builds up a backlog of pieces which allows him to then take time off for health and family without breaking the delivery. It might not be practical but if you can perhaps take something from this you might remove some stress?

Everett Bradshaw

Hanners is one of my favorite characters, so love to see her again, I miss her.

Amy Poli

I miss hanners, and steve, and a lot of the people who seem to have fallen off the planet


Hannalore should be a public plot point moving her story along. IMO the bonus comics are like MCU after credits. Cool jokes that we can have and maybe be inside jokes that only we get but not really move forward character development. Just my (likely unpopular) opinion. Also want more dating profiles. Shippers need to ship y'all.


All of the bonus comics eventually become public at some point, witness the last week.

Ben Russell-Gough

Of course, Scott is in a slightly better place that Jeph, being a syndicated cartoonist and all. He ha a letterer, I believe and only does single-row strips rather than page-sized mini-comics.


Like others have already said above, I miss Hanners. :(

Gary Walker

All three in a single comic. Also, Brun confronts a croissant.


As much as I miss Hanners, I think this shouldn’t be locked away from everyone else who also misses Hanners.

Hugh Eckert

Hope you feel better soon!


I read that as hannalore confronts a bear and I was very excited.


I can't believe I'm voting something other than Melon, but there you have it


the first two are a hard choice. The last one I can just infer with out any additional input

David Paul

All we want is that you're being well looked after, and that you make as speedy a recovery as is medically viable. I voted for Hannelore, but as with many others, would also like her story told on the main site.


Long time no Hannelore... ( Voted Melon here )


Do you mean, "Brun confrumf a crfanft? *munchmunchmunch*"


Melon confronts Hannelore's fear that Pintsize's porn could be fatal to her, despite doing nothing for Pintsize.

Andy Sleeper

AI mortality... An important topic, but would be hard to be funny about it


Don't do the bonus comic unless you happen to feel inspired to. We are not more demanding than my boss, who insists I take sick days when I'm sick!

Ruth Merriam

Late to the party . . . but please just take care of yourself! I've had 3 spinal surgeries (2 fusions). Once you start down that road, there's no going back and no guarantees. Be well.

David Howe

Gotta love Hanners, and cutting away to her on her "voyage of discovery" would be nice :)