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It's only fair




That does need to be done. Pintsize would be his own classification of criminal. "Who put bras on all these cattle and then melted crayons on top of them?!"


Now I expect PIntsize to get dating advice from May, which while filled with vulgarities, will eventually lead him down the right path.......HAHAHA Just kidding


And yet I feel Faye on this


May could write a very successful advice column of the "Ann Landers" sort. She could call it "Dear AI" or, more honestly, "I'm a fucking AI. I KNOW this shit." While no newspaper anywhere would publish it, it would do well on an internet blog or porn web site.


May has already sat on Pintsize's face for money. (No, I can't recall the strip number) Pintsize didn't get anything out of it, and the only thing May got from it was the $40.

Cody Renton

Well, $20. The other $20 was for letting Pintsize sit on her face.

David Paul

Why Roko DIDN'T arrest Pintsize on sight is still a puzzle...

Ben Russell-Gough

So that's how Faye and Roko are going to bond: Sharing 'Pintsize is a creep' stories!

Ben Russell-Gough

Being Pintsize isn't a criminal offence, only a social one. That may change, especially if he ever interacts with any members of Congress.

Ben Russell-Gough

Prediction: We're going to have a few comics of Faye and Roko interacting and talking about how AIs date and romance. Faye is... intrigued by the possibilities she sees.


I am not implying May's advice would be bad, I think it would be vulgar filled truth. But Pintsize will no doubt screw it all up.


That's mighty decent of Faye

Patrick Jackson

"Claire was much more supportive than you" to no-ones surprise ;-p

Tim Williams

I'm still wondering about the comment, 'second worst date ever' It will be nice to see Officer B again.

Gary Walker

The other date was this time she got trapped in a garbage can and had her badge stolen by a raccoon.


@Craig: <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3350" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3350</a>

Clifton Royston

Underneath the comic it said it involved an angry rhinoceros. I think she has a talent for putting herself in these situations.