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One more old bonus comic from my patreon and then we should be back on a regular schedule again.




What we need is a comic that ties THIS into Pintsize's date. Also Ass Golf, is that a sport? Because I'm AFRAID of sports, but hell, -I'D- play Ass Golf.


Enjoyed meeting you at Emerald City. Thanks for the sketches in my books!

Kyle Major

I love melon, and why is he so calm XD


steve has accomplished many things, he's an ex secret agent after all


They are out of Chrunchos???!!!


I REALLY need a next on this.


Can Pintsize date Melon sometime please I hope!


um yes i'll take 12 ass golf shirts please


Melon is what you get when you take a human level intelligence, add in the accumulated knowledge and experience of the human race, and delete anything resembling normal modes of thought.

Brad Knowles

Panel 5: Melon says "There is now", while tucking the last bits of the box into her mouth.

Brad Knowles

But I have always loved the way that he is so calm about having a strange AI in his breakfast room!

Erin Moriarty

I love how the Ass Golf shirt is technically fourth wall breaking since ass.golf is a QC redirect URL I would love to see a bonus strip of various characters responding to the news that their life is broadcast on the Internet for everyone to see. (How neurotic would that make Marten!?)

Maurice Kessler

Hope you're feeling better, sir.

Ben Russell-Gough

Yes, Steve, there is a tunnel in your basement. Now, where did it come from and just how many homes can Melon 'drop into' if she wants to?

Ben Russell-Gough

No, I think it's more of a case that the mechanics of opening the tab-and-slot at the top of the box has defeated Melon, so she's trying to tear the box open instead!

Ben Russell-Gough

He's an ex James Bond-style CIA field agent. Melon is probably one of the least strange people that he's ever met!

Gillian Brown

The Steve eating cereal comics never get old.

Paul Rendell

Ahhh. I remember the hordes screaming for this comic like it was only yesterday.


To all those who wished for "Steve and Melon eating cereal" in the bonus comic voting sessions: JEPH PANDERED TO YOU!!

Will Weaver

Tasty, tasty cardboard...oh boy!

Chris Gallaty

What's not shown is that Melon and Steve got in a few holes of Ass Golf before breakfast...


I think I missed this one the first time around. Also, "Ass Golf" >snerk<

Ben Russell-Gough

It strikes me as strangely in-character for Melon that she'd sit at a table and imitate human eating behaviour. For what reason? Maybe because it looks like something interesting or maybe because she just is really, really random.

Waffles the Mooose

If Steve ends up with an AnthroPC, I'm hoping it's Melon. These two are made for each other. Don't know why, but they are.


May would be doing Deadpool-style 4th wall breaks, even if she's not in the scene. I think Marten would freak for a sec, then be like "Eh, whatever. Makes sense." Hannelore would freak. Tai would be fine, not sure about Dora or Faye. And Dale and Marigold......


We love you! Get well soon!

Hugh Eckert

Considering Steve's background with Tortura etc., I'd be surprised if he *didn't* have a tunnel in his basement...

Summer Sudbrink

Wait, isn't the elvish word for friend "mellon?" And now there's a tunnel? And Crunchos are little golden rings!?


Also, "I have a basement?"

J.M. Hall

I aspire to be as Zen as Steve.

John Peterson

Why is a robot eating?