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This is a bonus comic from Patreon from a while ago! Running a couple as buffer maintenance this week while I recover from my back injury.



Nicholas Lopez

We need more Roko filler pls. Also, I hope everyone goes okay Jeph.


pew pew pumpernickel


...And I'm fine with this. Hope your recovery goes well mate.


Take care of yourself.

Captain Button

Talkie Toaster, matchmaker.


Hope you recover quickly and well.

Paul Rendell

I find myself wondering if the rhino was the date, or if just horned in on the action.


I continue to yearn for this relationship to fester and flourish. YEARN.


Also? I hope you feel vastly better, win something nice doing the cup-roll-up thing at Tim Hortons, and eat the red Smarties last.


Yes, it was the choice of bread that was the problem.

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm going to say something that I don't think that I mentioned before about this strip: Look at Pintsize's expression in panel 6: He's genuinely worried that he's done something wrong. This raises the serious prospect that he actually wanted to impress Roko but didn't know how!


Get better soon. Back injuries suck.


Well, yeah. There have been hints all through QC that there's more to Pintsize than just asshole. He just rarely shows it to other AIs and NEVER shows it to humans, besides possibly Marten.


I hope the injury was minor, and that you recover quickly. And that's not just because I need you to fill my QC addiction. :)


Get well soon, Jeph! <3

Ben Russell-Gough

I have to say that I'm also wondering what is the worst blind date on which Roko has been. I'm thinking that the guy spent the entire evening talking about himself, telling her about how having a cop girlfriend could benefit him and brushing off anything she had to say about herself and her wants as 'minor details'. "Leave the thinking to me", he said.


All the best wishes for your health, Butty McButtface (i e Jeph)! Take care and get well!

Amy Gilroy

Hope you recover quickly, sending positive thoughts :)

Julienne Ignace

I'm still trying to puzzle out what the deal is with the toaster and flinging burnt toast....

Peter Jensen

Pintsize must have somehow found out about Roko's ... <a href="http://jephjacques.com/post/153991088855/roko-unwinds" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">preferences</a>. Or maybe it's just a general AI thing, a relatively harmless behavioral anomaly.

David Paul

You take care Jeph! I hope the doctors are looking after you, and that you make a quick recovery!


Are we all just going to ignore the fact that a robot flinging toast in her face and thats all is only the second worst date she has ever had?


Take the time you need to recover. Back injuries are awful!


I just want to point out, Pintsize did aim perfectly his first shot. :)


You madman. I thought you had given up the trapeze. Get better!

Hugh Eckert

Back injuries suck. Alas, I know this from experience. Hope you feel better soon!


Okay, that last panel is weird because 10 years ago I wrote a story about tiny rhinos appearing in people’s lives, and how the rhinos got off their heads on pumpernickel

Brad Knowles

Jacques -- please focus on getting better! Everything else can wait! My wife is having her own health issues at the moment, so I get to see these kinds of problems first-hand. And the biggest mistake I see people make when they're not feeling well is that they don't focus on themselves first. Please don't be a statistic!


Please take care of yourself!


I think we'd all be comfortable with not getting our regular QC fix if it helps you get better. Your health is more important!