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YEAH they are

William Cole

I’m kind of facinated by whatever May is doing in panel 1. Is it some kind of Knife Yoga? I want to know more about Knife Yoga.

Ben Russell-Gough

So, will May end up being Sam's sparring partner? That aside... Yeah, I figured that Dale and Marigold's continual banging would drive Momo out of the apartment!

Asher Rose Fox

I love the detail of May's tabi socks and her teeny tiny blushlet.

Cody Renton

It was a dickroomba, not a cockroomba, you philistene


im: >:\ IRL: 😊


Lolololol..... "They fuckin" I love you Jeph

Ben Russell-Gough

It's definitely some sort of martial arts kata. Maybe this is one of her non-perverse hobbies?

Brad Knowles

Refractory period?


Bring pictures!


Cockroombas seek out roosters and silence them with extreme predjudice!

Cody Renton

You know how when you're fucking, you have to take a minute to not fuck sometimes? That's a refractory period

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm enjoying how Jeph is giving characters two expressions - Their emote on their IM interaction and their external reaction to the conversation. For all it's subtle, it's one of the more interesting insights into QC artificial intelligence and how they are more and more becoming a distinct culture from humans.

Peter Jensen

That panel 3 blush and smile ...


Called it! Well, almost :)

Ben Russell-Gough

Is May crushing on Momo? Momay might be an interesting thing for Jeph to do in parallel with Fayebles - Contrast a human/AI relationship with an AI/AI one.


Oh! Hey, if May and Momo... Hrm... Should we chip in for the appropriate USB cables? <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3500" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3500</a>

Will Weaver

May’s face kind of says it all in the last panel.

David Paul

Her emoji says "huh?", her message says "why?", and her physical face says "what?". Ultimate statement of confusion... Poor May.

Gary Walker

I keep imagining this but with roombas: <a href="https://www.oglaf.com/cockbats/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.oglaf.com/cockbats/</a>

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I sense somehow that that tanto will become significant at some time in the future...


The characters and story are wonderful, of course. And part of me is squeeing about these two being friends. But what really gets me about these last few pages is the disconnect between their emoji and their facial and physical reactions. It's fascinating that they can perform whatever emotion they want telepathically, but they can't keep themselves from smiling and blushing and relaxing their posture in meatspace.


Perfect cinnamon roll comic. I feel all fuzzy-warm inside.


Dealing with people online is so much easier than dealing with people in real life. Online, you are whatever you say you are. In real life, not so much.

Edward Justice

WTF is May doing in panel one? Bludgeon and shiv TaiChi?


This is what Momo wants to escape: <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2952" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2952</a>