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Gundams over bros




Gunbros to be sure


There is a bros before hoes joke somewhere here....


Love the MTTS reference

Cody Renton

Yay conflict resolved can we go back to Faybles please

Grace Kieser

Let's be honest, as hot as Dale is, a Gundam is the best choice!

Drakoo Dreamer

Meh Gundum, gimmie an evangelion.


robos before bros

Dean Reilly

"Sniffle Time, For All Your Sobbing Needs"

Brent Catherman

The Gundam is the more reliable choice, but I'm partial to Zakus.


Jeph. Jeph. JEPH.


Merch idea: a tissue box cover with panel 1's "Sniffle Time" branding on it. I'd buy one.

Paul Nobles

I would love it if in this universe 'sniffle time' had become the de facto word for tissues instead of Kleenex. "Hey, my nose is running.. pass me a 'sniffle time', would you?" "I'm off to the store to get some milk and 'sniffle time'.


Just once I would like to see Momo confuse her "comfort subroutines" with May's. "FUCKING FUCKERS!!! JUST FUCKING FUCK!!!"

Fart Captor

Now, if Emily WAS a Gundam, then we'd have a fair compromise that both sides could agree on

Thomas Reiske

My wife has come to terms with Gundams coming first


Ehhhh I get how it is kinda both sides. Yet, I don't really agree. At all. UNLESS she said the gundam thing IN FRONT of him AT that moment. Then, I totally would get it.


The rest of this is going to be intense., just FYI. Boys and men are hurt over shit like this. Women and girls are. Everyone else. But, right or wrong, Marigold has been (presumably) shoved with shit in her face reinforcing this Idea. The idea that she's at fault for being hurt SPECIFICALLY after he said that, I can jump on board with. Even before, with her assuming, I was kinda siding with Dale. But Dale proved her right, ish. Or at least said the thing that would convince her. I was even giving him the benefit of the doubt where I thought it was phrasing. But after that convo with May, this whole thing became VERY one sided. Also, replies after this are going to get more intense.


Can't help but wonder if Momo & May had traded places for this.


Okay so Dale was definitely rude but what he was ineffectually trying to say is the exact opposite of what Marigold thinks he said.

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm actually not sure that Marigold was correct in panel 3 there. I do think that she's probably underestimating just how difficult it probably is to keep up with Emily for more than a few hours!

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm wondering if they're holding a side conversation over the cellphone network trying to work out how to get Marigold and Dale into the same room.


In this house a box of tissues is called a "sniffle box." Well.. It isn't, it's called a "snøfte boks" but that's because we mostly speak danish here in Denmark.

Thomas Boys

I think that would be very unlikely for Momo, given that she seldom uses bad language. "COPULATING COPULATERS!!! JUST COPULATING COPULATE!!!"


I would take the Gundam, is that really even a fair comparison?

Will Weaver

That’s it, someone needs to make Sniffle Time a real brand. Along with Crunchos - “Oh boy!”

David Paul

That is perfectly reasonable and acceptable. Hey, if someone is gonna dump my sorry ass, I would appreciate it be for a 50-foot pilotable mecha.

Daryl Sawyer

Indeed, and a substantial part of communication is giving your partner the benefit of the doubt, listening *harder* once it sounds like your partner is saying something horrible, because he probably isn't. That said, she did give him several opportunities to backtrack, which he obliviously blew past.


I would not dump my wife for a pilotable Gundam. But if she ever had to choose between me and an active, sentient Haro, I would not fault her in the slightest. Haros are Haros, man.