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fuckin fuck



Nicholas Lopez

12 curses. I think Jeph is right on the record.

Fart Captor

Awww, but Dale, she'd look SO ADORABLE


I know you don't have time for this, but if May ever did a relationship advice column, I'd read that fuckin' thing religiously.


Now it's time for May and Momo to fix things. And seriously Dale? She deserves to be the best man/woman/person/robot at your wedding considering that she was the whole reason that you two even got together in the first place.


May would only agree to be part of a wedding if she got to be the lead fighter jet in a group that flew over the wedding at the perfect moment...

Chris Gallaty

Hey, she's blue... 'fuck' is her 'smurf'.


Actually she SHOULD do a relationship advice column as a bonus feature <3

Grace Kieser

Everyone knows it'll be Dora as the flower girl! May will be Dale's Best Woman, obviously!

John Fiala

Thank you, May!

William Cole

Ah, nothing like a good May-rant.


Actually, Emily will be the best woman but Mar is the one he got :P


Can you imagine what May's toast would be at their wedding?

Dean Reilly

Dale and Marigold leaving the wedding in May the VTOL fighter jet, "JUST MARRIED" spraypainted on the tail.


"This may be the new record for most cusses in a QC strip." Why did I just hear Faye yell "Challenge accepted!"?


May is on the money again. She should start charging for this.


Dale, I recommend a minimum of 10,000 feet


Panel 1 is especial great, that could be a t-shirt or something

Chris Heg

Serious shit! Dale turned off his glasses!


Only an AI could say “congratufuckinlations” without tripping over her own tongue.

Grant Swire

Eleven cussings. That's got to be the new high score.

Brent Catherman

If it's any consolation May you can come to his funeral.


"Little Miss Communication Skills" I'M SCREAMING

Minzoku Bokumetsu

why does it feel like that first line should be “fucker” instead of dingus


She would have said "Hold my beer" but she doesn't drink anymore

Celine Chamberlin

Fuck, Jeph, I fuckin' love your fuckin' usage of the various fuckin' ways to use 'fuck' on this fuckin' comic. I fuckin' mean that, you talented fuck.


Better just make it 10,000 miles, to be absolutely sure.


Quoting Pulp Fiction?


Since the makeout hobo seems to have been removed from premises, May can take over as the relationship sage at Coffee of Doom. "What wisdom can you impart on us?" "FUCKING FUCK, YOU FUCKING FUCKERS!" "That's good advice!"

Chris Heg

Totally unrelated - does anyone else think the the bobsledder Elana Myers looks kind of like Brun?

Jason Zions

Nah, native New Yorkers put that word in the middle of other words all the time. "Unbefuckinglievable", for example. That stuff rolls trippingly off the Noo Yawkuh's tongue.


Gonna take a lot more than that to heat Willis’ record


wtf did She do to be banned from the wedding? She's HELPING you dumbass..

Drakoo Dreamer

I can still fuck up a wedding real good from 1000 feet.


A helicopter can be impressively loud, hovering at 1000 feet ..

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm anticipating that this will be a controversial strip. Meanwhile, I believe that Jeph has written Dale as every male in human history who has ever fallen into this trap.

Ben Russell-Gough

Literally essentially everything else she's ever said or done in Dale's presence. To describe May as being potentially 'loudly and gleefully disruptive' is a great understatement.

Brooks Moses

You have to start off at least a little quiet to really get a proper crescendo effect, though.


Jeph. Please. I am begging you. If Marigold and Dale ever get married in the comic, *please* have May officiate the ceremony. It would be the greatest damn thing.


Why controversial? Dale by his own admission has little romantic experience and just doesn't know how to take his partner's feelings into account in a sensitive moment. Simple learning moment. So long as he learns.

Thomas Boys

She was also the reason those two were boning. And, if fate is kind, will be boning again.


May is what the inside of my head sounds like. :D


Balls on.

Clifton Royston

We all need a May in our lives occasionally to set us straight on things.


Yeahhhh thanks for that first panel, it can be really hard to get out of your own head with that, even when you know that it's there and it's shitty.