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HAPPY HOLIDAYS, NUDIES! Have some adorable Amber art from Sweez! This wasn't even something I requested, Sweez just wanted to make sure you all had some really cute holiday art! Thank you, Santa Sweez!

This is going to be a short post this week. Most of the team has been taking it a bit easier this week, what with the holidays and all. Still some progress made, of course. AT is working on redoing those animations, Invertex has also been helping with that, Sweez made this and a bunch of other in-game art, and Bear has moved back to creating more environmental assets, including this WIP but appropriately festive little building.

Everybody's got their tasks, but for this weekend, we're all going to relax and enjoy the holiday. We hope you do, too! Grab a hot cup of coco, take off your clothes, and enjoy the warmth of the fireplace! Or, you know, however else you celebrate the season. No judgment!

See you next week with more! Happy holidays from everyone at Birthday Suit Games!




happy holidays :)


Happy nudiedays