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Hey there, nudies! Last progress report of 2023! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! The team over here certainly did. While we did get a bit of work done over the week, a lot of us also took it easy over the holiday week, so nothing too terribly visual to show right now. Just a lot of back-end stuff, writing, asset creation, and this adorable piece of art from Sweez. But since we're near the end of the year, I thought I'd talk about the state of the game and all that's happened this year.

And hooboy, a lot sure has happened. Between our original project lead dropping out, a million technical hurdles trying to get cutscenes to work in Unity, and ultimately having to abandon all of that work and Unity altogether, 2023 was a far more difficult year than we ever could have anticipated. And yet, the switch to the Godot engine ended up allowing us new opportunities to streamline our development process and make this game even better. We've overcome every technical issue and even pushed forward changes that will become additions in Godot's official engine releases. We've expanded the team. We've crafted 4 entire in-game areas from scratch. We've designed over a dozen new characters for Culo Culo Town, and 7 of them already have 3D models. We've created TONS of adorable AND lewd art in the form of insert panels, full illustrations, and 3D animations. We've composed 9 full songs for the game's soundtrack. We've completely redone Amber's model to be her best version yet. We've written over 30,000 words for this game's script. And my butt-naked buddies, we're only getting started.

So now, we're looking towards 2024 with a battle plan and a fire burning in our hearts. We're going into the new year with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and assets. We've brainstormed ways to make the creation of new areas faster and more efficient and will be putting those ideas into practice next week. We'll be finishing up retooling Amber's animations to fit her new model, so hopefully we'll have those in-game very soon. We've completely rewritten the demo script to both allow for more player choice and to accommodate Godot's dialogue system so that it can be instantly imported into the engine and work instantly. We're just about done with back-end foundational coding and can start building cutscenes again. I can't give a date on the demo release just yet but goddamn, we are putting the work in.

I really cannot stress enough how grateful this entire team is for the incredible patience and support you've given us over the year. It's the best motivator in the world to see how excited you all are for this game, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We're putting our hearts into this project and creating not only some of our best work we individually have ever put into anything, but also something that we just genuinely love making. We love Amber and this little world we're creating, and much like Amber herself, we really can't wait to show you everything.

So again, thank you all so much for everything. From all of us at Birthday Suit games, have a happy nude year, and see you all in 2024! (Next week, with another progress report, to be specific).




Happy nude year!