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Hey there nudies! Real short blog post today. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving week for those of you that celebrate!

Unfortunately, Amber's new model rigging has taken all week to finish, though the holiday also helped to slow things down a bit. It should be done early next week and in Invertex's hands though, so NEXT WEEK FOR SURE, we should have some fun in-game stuff to show.

In the meantime, Invertex has been doing a bunch of back-end stuff to handle how MNL will be updating in the future, and has even been contributions to Godot's source code itself! I'm 70% done with the script reformats, and it's been... a lot of fun, actually! It's been a neat puzzle, figuring out how to reframe these cutscenes with less camera work. At the same time, our 3D portraits allow for much more variety in how Amber can act and react to things, so it's actually been a lot more freeing in a sense. I think it's resulted in some stupidly fun rewrites that I think you'll love.

Sweez has also been busy with our 2D assets! It's about time to build UI elements, so we've been knocking this out. Here's a couple icons he's finished.

Things will kick off real heavy again once Bear has finished re-rigging Amber's model. Sorry I don't have more to show you this week! In the meantime at least, I can show you this fun little thing we did this week: Amber's nipples can get stiff~

Thanks as always for the support! See you next week!



Chris Septicor

"Amber's nipples can get stiff" ... Go on. :)


It’s okay, I would have been fine with a “we spent time with family this week, sorry we don’t have an update”. You guys are so hard working and I appreciate you guys so much! Thank you!