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Hey there, nudies! This week was more than a bit hectic for yours truly, but we're still progressing at a steady pace! While Invertex imports our models and makes adjustments to better suit our Godot engine, we've been prettying up our environments and filling in the little details.

Stuff like this, basically. Bear's done a fantastic job making these environments come alive! We've also been filling out the space more to account for the various in-game camera angles that you'll be seeing it from. I mentioned before how because we started work on the mall area, we can include it in the backdrop of the cafe/park! Well, look how well it's coming alive!

It still of course needs some more adjustments, but it's looking really great. We added a little loading/unloading area behind the mall, which is something you wouldn't normally see when exploring the mall itself. But since we wanted to have this particular angle looking towards it, we decided to add it here for immersion's sake. We'll also be adding a small parking lot on the other side of the road in front of the mall, even though that's also probably not something you'll get to explore yourself. But it'd look weird if it wasn't there, right? Gotta account for all the little details that make the world feel real!

Sweez has also been hard at work on creating more 2D assets, including the very nice image of Amber in the shower as seen at the top here. We'd like to include our inventory system in the demo if possible, so Sweez has finished all the icons related to Amber's miscellaneous items she'll be bringing to Culo Culo Town. That said, if the inventory system ends up being too cumbersome to figure out without delaying the demo, we'll probably shelve it for later. Still, at least all the 2D art for that is done! There's even an icon for a mysterious and familiar book Amber owns...

On Monday, Bear will be implementing Amber's fancy new rigging system for better control over her animations. While AT will need to go back and adjust his own personal animations for Amber, we still have some generic asset pack animations that SHOULD still work just fine for now. At least enough to help in our cutscene building. I'm hoping by next week, we'll have Amber's new model in-game and walking around her updated house!

That's all for now! As always, thank you so much for the support! See you next week!




Looove Sweez's drawings